help with cartridge selection

I'm very new and would appreciate any advice.
I have a Garrard 401 and a SME 3009 S2 Improved(fixed headshell.
I have been reading about what cartridge to use with this arm and there are several options. From what I understand if I want to use the SME 3009 S2 Improved without mods I can use a Goldring 1042, or a Shure V15 or a Grado Red or a Shure M97xE as those seems the better matches.
And also some experiences tell that if I wanna use a Denon DL103 with the SME 3009 S2 Improved I need to change the SME plastic bearings for bronze ones and make other mods.

I couldnt find too many comments about how the arm/cartridge combos match with the Garrard 401 specifically. So I would like some advice on what will be the best cartridge for the SME 3009 S2 Improved with a garrard 401.
I have 3 of the 4 carts you mentioned. I will give you a brief description of how they work with my VPI HW jr table and PT-9 arm. I was pleasantly surprised with the M97, it payed all my albums well and tracked like a champ. Good range top to bottom but a bit forward sounding and leans towards bright. It is a good stand-by cart but not sure if I could live with it full time. The V15 has the range of the M97 but a bit more refined, everything sounds better. I can live with this, a good all arounder. The Goldring is the best of the bunch, sounds like an expensive cartridge, plays all the notes, puts all the bad stuff on a record out of ear shot. Tracks with no problems, nice wide, deep presentation. The more i listen to this cart, the more i like it. Keep in mind this is with my set-up.
I agree with Zenblaster. My Goldring had 95% of the quality of my Clearaudio at way less than 1/2 the price. The M97 will sound less refined but who can argue with the price-great backup cartridge.