help with s.s. amp upgrade

greetings. have been slowly upgrading my system over the last few months. just began doing a little homework here on audiogon. i am in the market for a good used 1-2k S.S. amp.

am considering a variety of options...
arragon 8008bb - krell ksa-150 - mccormick dna -125, 250 - classe 15 etc.

without having the opportunity to actually sit down and let my ear be my guide - i was hoping to borrow a bit from your listening expertice. what can you tell me about each?

out of all these listed {and any that i missed} which is going to express more of the artists truer intention though the music? i.e. read some great reviews on the mccormick not coloring the sound... blah blah blah.

current system:

power plant: PS Audio PS-600

pre-amp: Audio Research LS3

cd: Naim CD5i

amp: Rotel RB 981 {120 wpc}

speakers: Paradigm Studio 100's V3.

speaker cables: Transparent "The Wave"

interconnects: Interlink "The Link" 200

any of this i should consider revamping?

the listening room is 13 x 22 with vaulted ceilings.

i plan on upgrading my speaker cables/interconnects a.s.a.p. and playing around quite a bit with room accustics. hoping to rest and enjoy for a bit after upgrading this phase.

thanks in advance.

The MF2500A is made by conrad johnson and is an excellent amplifier. It sells new for about $4000 USD and is 250wpc into an 8ohm load. You can buy one used for about $1800-$2000USD if you buy a used one make sure it is the "A" model. Sonic characteristics are that it is very musical and has a similar sonic signiture to their tube amps for which they are better known; an excellent amp for jazz and classical. For more information you can puruse their website at as a side bar they also own McCormack.

thanks chuck. i plan on getting out and finding a place to demo this piece. somehow 250 wpc makes more sense with the speakers i have.

I had for one year one maccmarck DNA 1 dlx, I used it with TLC passive , the sound was pristine and cristaline, but after some time I changed it for AR Vt100mk2, and than I changed again to another amplifier: gamut d200 mk3, and I think gamut sound is a little similiar with maccomarck sound, I think because I am using AA capitolee direct in gamut,( I was using before one bat vk5i)and this give a cristaline sound, but gamut sound is very diferent and better to me than others.

The Odyssey Extreme monoblocks somethimes can be purchased used here on A'gon for around 2000 dollars. I have no experience with any amp to compare them to other than the B&K ST140 I owned previously. I wrote a review on these here on A'gon. I personally think that they are wonderful. I have been told by a person who KNOWS audio that these are among the top 20 amplifiers in the world. I also happen to really like the Conrad Johnson and Classe lines. No experience with Krell of McCormack (spelling?) amps. I really love my Odyssey's, though. Klaus has a lot of followers in the USA, and is basically manufacturing a licensed version of the Symphonic Line amplifiers, which sell in Europe for about DOUBLE what his comparable products sell for here in the USA. I would think it's pretty hard to go too far wrong with any of the choices you mention above, with the qualifying statement that my experience with some of the brands is nonexistant.