Help with shopping for a power amp

Hello all!

I am a new member to this board but have visited quite often for years. Have a question about matching up an amp with my pre amp. First here is what I have for a set up.

Polk Audio Lsi7 Speakers
Yamaha YST-SW90 Powered Sub
Classe CP-50 Pre Amp
Had a Classe CA-100 - Sold
Sony CDP C79ES Player

I sold the Classe CA-100 and need to replace it. I loved it but I always thought it was just missing a little something. I was wanting to try and get a little more warmth and a richer sound. I have been thinking of replacing it with a Classe CA-200 or a Mark Levinson Model 23. I am sure that the CA-200 will match up just fine with the CP-50 pre but will the Mark Levinson Model 23 match? I don’t have any experience in mix matching equipment. Any advice would be greatly welcomed. The type of music I listen to is jazz, big band, a lot of vocal, acoustic guitar and piano.

The 200 will add more low end control, more extension on both ends, better focus and dynamics over a 100. I wouldn't say warmth will be much improved as a whole.
I have a friend that has a CA-200 and hooked up on my system it blew that CA-100 away. I got a solid price for the 100 so I sold it. I really want a CA-200 but I am open to other amps.
Get the CA200.. why waffle over it.. or get a newer model Classe, they make nice gear.. then consider replacing that mediocre Sony CD changer lots of improvements in CD players over the last 20 years..
I think that is where I am at. CA-200 it is. Now I need to find a CD player. Any recommendations?
I found this Sony on ebay