Herbert von Karajan DVD Clearance at Tower Records

For classical music listeners who are fans of the conductor Herbert von Karajan, Tower Records put most of his concert DVDs under the Sony Classics label on clearance. Prices went from $24.99 to $9.79. Look for them at your local Tower Records store or online.
I know a Jewish guy who as a teenager would (instead of Playboy Magazine) hide von Karajan records in his bedroom (his favorite conductor). His father who survived the war had a policy of not wanting anything in the house that would benefit a German.

I think it extends beyond just supporting a German as von Karajan was linked to the Nazi Party. I personally would not buy any cds by him, and I know of classical music listeners (both Jewish and non-Jewish) who researched his activities prior to and during the war and decided to "boycott" his work.
Yours is same as the friends father's view (then). That is why he hid them from his dad. His dad would have trashed them. Also as a teenager did not understand the importance to his Dad. He only cared about liking the music he heard.

This was also now 30 years ago. He was a teenager back in the 1970's so von Karajan's activities were not as well documented then.

Back then his father boycotted most all German products, not just those tied to the Nazi's. But he lived through the horror, so very understandable. My Dad had a VW Beetle back then. If I was borrowing it, I was not sure to take it to their house or hear his Dad start ranting... His Dad was a very nice man. He would sometimes kid with me.."you still driving that Nazi-mobile?".

I have a local friend now who's mother was a "slave" (a maid/cook) to someone who was like Oscar Schindler. She (the mother) and her child (the oldest brother) was protected and saved by them. Her mother's view of Germans in general is a lot more favorable.
Well guys,the coward I am, I figure I'd have done whatever it took to stay alive had I been there in those days.---- AND,---don't believe all you read. In life at some point or another we all have some kind of agenda. (The person whom wrote what you are reading; included.) AND, from the "History Ch."; it appears Joseph Stalin had a MUCH HIGHER body count.
I love the line from a Woody Allen movie;goes something like "whenever I hear Wagner-- I think of marching through Poland." ---Me,I love "Tannhauser".