Herron VTSP-3A

Hey guys, I just got this preamp in my system and have only used it for 5 hours. However, I don't have to wait for burn in or more evaluation time to tell this compenent is absolutley outstanding. The VTSP-3A is the new version and it has over 50 changes from the VTSP-3. I got my system sounding really good before the arrival of the Herron, but the Herron has really brought my system to life. Heck, the VTSP-3A has had the most postive impact on about every aspect of sound in my system than any other electonic compenent I have ever bought. I feel like the Herron is letting me hear the potential of everything else in my system. I thought I would make this post since I'm not sure if a lot of people know about Herron. If someone is in the market for a top of the line preamp, they may want to at least consider this one. For the record, I have no affliation with the company, I'm just a VERY happy owner.
I own a VTSP-3A and VTPH-2 and based on the sound of these two components, I have also ordered a pair of of M1's and have become a dealer for Keith here in Western North Carolina.

This is great sounding audio gear and I've owned a lot over the last 30 years.

The M1's will be taking the place of a pair of Pass XA100.5's and this will truly be a test of how Keith's amps sound. I love the Pass amps, but cannot become a dealer for them so I will take a shot here.

I'll try to keep you guys updated.
I have the VTSP-3A, the VTPH-2 and four M1's. The two preamps are standouts but the M1's are all class as well. As I said before: they just do their job(very well).
When I first got my Herron gear I had trouble with the pre 'dropping out' all the time. This was not the fault of the pre but due to the fact I was running it through a step down transformer. The voltage was too low. First Keith Herron replaced the preamp straight out. When the problem persisted with the new pre he bent over backwards assisting me to rectify the problem.
When I updated to the 3A I was having a problem of some harshness at higher volume levels and Keith pointed me in the right direction(cheap and nasty interconnects).
It would have been easy for him to let me go figure but he helped me out every time I had an enquiry.
Sound like a lovefest I suppose but I really appreciated his help. A lot of designers would not do this.
Im not a dealer,just a happy customer!
I need to also disclose that I am now a dealer for Keith and became one only after becoming a customer of Herron Audio. I am so impressed with the sound his gear makes that I am making an investment in high end audio as a business venture.

I've been at this hobby for almost 30 years and Keith's VTSP-3A preamp and VTPH-2 phono stage are great sounding products and I say this after using some of the best, including Supratek, CJ, CAT, Hovland and many others. They are, in fact, the best phono stage and preamp I have ever used.

I am awaiting my pair of M1's that will attempt to take the place of a pair of incredible sounding Pass XA100.5 amplifiers. I would love to have been given the chance to represent Pass, but unfortunately I am not a brick and mortar store and in a small market surrounded by larger markets. Keith, on the other hand, has given me the opportunity to offer his gear and I am happy to be given the chance to do this.

Beside the wonderful sound quality his gear re-produces, Keith is a true gentleman and his products are professionally engineered and built, with great ergonomics and useful features. As noted, he also is customer service friendly and very dependable, which is often not common in this industry. I could tell stories.....

I'll report on how the M1's compare to the Pass amps, once delivered and broken in, but for anyone interested in a preamp or phono stage, please search out your local Herron dealer and give a listen to this gear. You won't be sorry.
Indeed Fig. Congrats on becoming a dealer. A little more commentary on the preamp. People need to ignore the price on the VTSP-3a. If you think it cost to much and you are one of those caught up in this hobby (as most on this board are), it will actually save you money. You will not feel the need to move up or anywhere from where you are with the VTSP-3a. On the other end, if you don't think the VTSP-3A is "high end" enough for you, don't worry about it. It's performance will compete with stuff that cost A LOT more.