High Quality FM Tuner - Advice

My needs are simple. A tuner that has great sound and can bring in distant stations, in stereo, quietly. I have the right roof antenna system with a MD Signal Sleuth. I read about Magnum Dynalab, Fanfare, Linn, Accuphase, old Macs and Yamahas. I have the budget, if i can find the right unit. Your thoughts?
Bsm, I have a Onkyo T-9090II and love it. Certainly not at the level, or price of some you mentioned, but it is a joy to listen to. It also has a remote. Used price is around $500. Good luck. Joel
I have a Magnum Dynalab 102 and a Mcintosh MR 77.Both are very good and look cool.
I was in the same boat as you several months back. I went with the Fanfare FT-1A, which is just about into the MK.II version along with thier AMAX am. The FT-100 will be the MKII version plus the am capability. Its a nice tuner and I don't regret not buying one of the magnum's. I didn't go with the older ones, although I almost got a Mac 78, just because I wanted something new and that i could count on for reliability. I'm sure the old tuners are nice, some very nice, but I was still a bit wary of buying something 15 to 30 years old that still claims to be state-of-the-art. Unless you're going to spend $6k for Magnum's top of the line or a Day Sequerra or, maybe the Linn Kremlin, I still think the Fanfare is the one to own in the up to $2,500 price bracket. I'm pretty well isolated from getting an audition for any of them so I just had to go on faith in the end. The Naim's, from what I read, are rather flimsy in constuction and minimalist in parts. Now if they sound great then it doesn't matter, but I never really considered them. The fanfare packaging is nice and the owner's manual is a three-ring binder with each page in plastic sleeve. That's about all I can say.