Higher End USB Cables

Anyone tried/compared the newer high-end USB Cables (i.e. Locus Design Polestar or Ridgestreet model)? Curious if they're worth the $300+ price tag, particularly since Locus doesn't offer demo or return policy (can't speak to Ridgestreet). I do know there's differences in the cheap throw-away ones, much like different USB ports on the same computer.

I agree with Rstan... the Ridge Street Audio USB Poeima is outstanding. Once it is well-broken in (over 100 hours of constant use at the minimum), you can A-B it with all the others, and imho you will end up preferring the RSA Poeima. The differences are not small by any means.

:) listening,


Hi all.

Keith - The WireWorld Site shows the Utraviolet as a 75ohm coax SPDIF w/ RCA connectors. I could not find a USB cable on the Site.

Robert - thanks for the info on the Ridge Street Poiema. This is a new product and the last time I visited this Site the Poiema was not there.

Ckorody - The Opticis optical USB looks interesting. Problem is, the ones I saw were connectors w/ Type A connectors at both ends. http://usbstuff.com/fiberext.html

That means one would have to connect a standard USB A to B cable to connect to the sink, thereby breaking the optical connection. How do you set yours up?


I had that same problem when a friend told me about Wire World's USB cable. They do not list it at their site. Go figure...
Goto thecablecompany.com
They have it listed for sale.
Look for the USB cable called Ultraviolet.

Thanks all for the replies and links you've provided.

I was mulling over the Locus Design Polestar, but he doesn't offer demo periods. Ridge Street indicated a 45 day demo period. Not sure I'll cough up $450 for a USB cable just yet, but maybe eventually.