home made speaker cable vs. the big boys

I have been reading a lot recently about power cords and speaker cable. Everyone has their take on how to make great sounding cable. Some market players use "special chemicals" in their product while others don't. Some have thin cable , some have thin cable. I'm thinkin, my opinion is as valid as anyone elses. So why not attemt to make some high end cable my self? Has anyone tried this and been successful at diy "high end cable" ?
No need, unless you want to DIY. I highly recommend Maplesahdes cables. Now available from www.audiotweakers.com The Double Helix Speaker Cable is only $280/8ft pr. Their interconnects $65& $240.00 GIant Killers, but tweaky.
Trelja - My amps are Aronov 9100 with the stock 6550 tubes. The preamp is a BAT VK5i upgraded to SE with the BAT ""Super Tubes"".
Is the sound improved since last week? You may also look into KT88 tubes, when that time comes up. If you are unhappy after one month, maybe you should re-insert the AQ to make sure it is as good as you remember it. Good luck.
Gmkane.You are so right.Where is the brain surgeon Carl_eber to respond to this.Its the pure truth and as long as their are carl_ebers to exploit the cable companys will continue to do so.