home made speaker cable vs. the big boys

I have been reading a lot recently about power cords and speaker cable. Everyone has their take on how to make great sounding cable. Some market players use "special chemicals" in their product while others don't. Some have thin cable , some have thin cable. I'm thinkin, my opinion is as valid as anyone elses. So why not attemt to make some high end cable my self? Has anyone tried this and been successful at diy "high end cable" ?
I agree that the studios do not pay we do for cables, but chances are they have a choice between paying the same for all of the brands (next to nothing) but they still choose the "high end ones", and if bits and bytes are all the same then we should all just go out and buy a sony and be happy with it.And on the point of "secret sauce" being added, you can't polish a turd, if it was recorded with improper e.q. due to cables that color the sound you can do a lot to try and fix it but in the end the less you mess with an audio signal the better things turn out. If I see a so called "musician" lip sync on t.v. they just suck, if you can't play it live then you are not a musician, you are an actor.
Trelja....Actually, Gateway and Skywalker are mastering/recording studios that do indeed get caught up in cable "paranoia", and use $6000 interconnects....not that they actually have to pay full retail for them, of course!
I know a lot of people(musicians and recording personnel) who work at a few VERY high profile recording studios. Two of the more famous ones are RuffHouse Records(a truckload of Grammys in the past five years) and Riversound Studios(owned by Donald Fagan and Gary Katz - have recorded the BIGGEST names in the business). Both handle the lion's share of recording/mixing/producing of music made on the East Coast. Neither of them use anything more esoteric than Radio Shack quality stuff. You are quite correct about certain studios using exotic cable, but it is by far the exception, as opposed to the norm. I almost NEVER come across a person in this field who has heard of even AudioQuest(they all know Monster, some know Phoenix ala car stereo).
Listen to what most of the studios put out! Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't Mr. Ludwig have some of the best quality recordings out there? I was told this, so I am quoting. To say that some studios have never heard the names of cables such as AudioQuest doesn't surprise me a bit, I have heard their recordings.
Bob Ludwig is THE Moses of record production. Most of the others are the of Norm Peterson ilk. It would be nice if musicians and record producers were also audiophiles, but it usually doesn't happen. I have converted many a music person(usually on a steady diet of Jolida, Rogue, and Manley StingRays), but it has been a long and steep uphill road.