How best to sell Hafler DH200/220 modified?

What a treat to discover your website. I have a Hafler DH200 with a Musical Concepts Modification and PC-19 boards from the DH220. I want to sell it. Your posts and items for sale tell me that an amplifier in my league is clearly on the low end of your market.

I will truly appreciate your comments as to where best to sell this item,
AudioGon is the perfect place to sell your Hafler amp. There have been MANY Haflers, (modded and unmodded) sold on here.

A successful sale would depend upon condition and price. It should sell pretty quickly if priced right.
I would list it here. The Haflers are great amps. I have a vintage 220 at home yet myself, and I still use it from time to time. Every time I do, I'm amazed at how good they really are for the money.