How can you not have multichannel system

I just finished listening to Allman Bros 'Live at the Fillmore East" on SACD, and cannot believe the 2-channel 'Luddites' who have shunned multichannel sound. They probably shun fuel injected engines as well. Oh well, their loss, but Kal has it right.
01-05-09: Jylee
Tvad, I think your argument is about the philosophy of recording engineers (how mch tracks should be mixed), not about the fundamentals of using more than two speakers in a mch system.

Yes, my argument is about the use of the mix. Not necessarily from the engineer's perspective, but certainly about the mix.

I remember when Quad was introduced. That died a quick death as well.

I don't think it's because people wouldn't be interested in multi channel, but rather because it's a hassle from an end user's perspective to implement successfully in most rooms.

As I said earlier, the format is on life support...ready to for the plug to be pulled, so the discussion here is academic and of no practical value. IMO.

Those who love multi channel will continue to refine their systems (and kudos to them), and those who aren't convinced are unlikely to convert from two channel.
From a practicality standpoint, it's much more difficult to implement now that Blu-ray is out. I've recently noticed much more interest on Audiogon discussions regarding the multichannel analog ins on processors. It seems that many people, myself included, have spent good money on good receivers/processors that we'd like to continue using because they are awesome in every respect but are limited to processing the older DD/DTS codecs and have only one set of 5.1 or 7.1 analog inputs.

That leaves us to choose between connecting a 5.1 SACD player or a 5.1 Dolby True-HD/DTS-MA Blu-ray signal decoded in the player and sent to the analog ins on the processor. Yes, I know you can buy a 5.1 analog switcher, but that's about as elegant a solution as using a RatShack passive video switcher to connect your two VCR's plus Laserdisc plus Satellite tuner to your early '90's era TV that had only one composite video input.. Remember those days? LOL!!

Just when you thought it was safe to take the plunge into a new format, they choose not to include SACD/DVD-A. I hope Oppo gets it right with their new player because I did an online chat today with Sony and they have no plans to include SACD in their new stand-alone players like the (otherwise) awesome looking BDP-S5000ES. It's a darned shame, really. -jz
Tbg, did you have a big grin on your face when you posted that last reply. Because your new best friend, Tvad, called multichannel an example of trickery. I wonder what he would say about your system with all those magical tweaks you spent thousands of dollars on. AVM anti-resonance paint??!! Come on, paint?? And those monorail trusses. Nothing makes a system sound more like a million bucks as does wires in the sky, or is that pie in the sky. Hope that grin is still on your face.
Mig007, when you start a discussion you should expect to receive varying points of view, and some with which you won't agree.

You seem to take any opinion personally that is different than yours, and rather than discuss your perspective with evidence or details that support your position, you lash out with personal attacks.

That's unfortunate, because the purpose of these treads is to share points of view and to discuss/debate the topic.

When the defense of your position falls back onto personal attacks and name calling, it weakens your argument, and it weakens the discussion.