How do I connect my sub to a miniwatt N3

I will likely be ordering the miniwatt n3 in the near future to use with my audioengine p4s. I have a velodyn minivee 8 subwoofer that does an amazing job of filling out the sound from the p4s. My question is how would I go about connecting my sub to the miniwatt? It has speaker-level inputs but no outputs.
The sensitivity of the P4 is 88db. The miniwatt may have trouble driving them. You are talking about 2-1/2 watts and it may not be enough. Have you heardthis combination?
I haven't heard it personally, though I have read reviews where it was paired with less efficient speakers and did fine. I plan on getting some much more efficient speakers after I have saved up a bit and figured out what I want. Still, I consider 88db loud and rarely ever go above 90db.

I'm mostly planning to get it out of curiosity. I hate my current solid state receiver and have always been intrigued by tubes. The price is right so that I don't mind spending the money to find out if it's for me. Hell, this will likely cause me to start saving for a more serious setup once I hear the difference.
I could sell ya mine 661DX Jaton speakers with stands 1/3 the price of the KefS 50 and sound twice as better .