how do you handle your clean records?

Ok, I'm sitting here in my listening room cleaning some records. I received a spin clean for Fathers day. I thought my records have been kept clean and so far I can tell that I only thought they were clean. After cleaning and drying a record, placing it in a new sleeve and putting back in my record storage I had a thought. I grabbed one to play. Here is where I had my issue. How do you remove the clean record without touching it and leaving finger marks on the edge? Should I get some soft white cotton gloves to handle the records? I don't have any priceless records but I want to keep them all as nice as I can. So my question is "How do you handle your clean records"?
Thanks for the input
I certainly am more careful with my records now than in the past. I have at one time or another cleaned all of my records which count over 1200. When I play them, I have a light over them where I can see dust and fine hairs. Before turning the turntable on, I dust them off. About every fifth record I play I clean of the stylus.

I have abandoned all paper and plastic sleeves for soft fabric like sleeve that offers easy entry.
Well I have been working with the sliding the the record out of the sleeve and using one hand to hold and guide it routine. I can do it but I'm pretty clumsy at it or at least if feels very clumsy to me. I think like many of us I am much more careful with my albums now than I was when I first got a turntable. I have always had a turntable of some type. I think now I am finding my inner audiophile lol. I wish I could have and store 1200 plus albums! I have about 600 and I am working my way through them cleaning them all up. I have always used the brush method to keep fine dust and hairs off before playing, Stylus cleaning using a soft cut down paint brush. I am just very interested in keeping my record collection as pristine as I can. Next will be trying to figure out how to organize them so I can find what I am feeling lol. Thank you for the responses. 
When you are able, get yourself a VPI HW-16 LP cleaning machine. SO worth the money!