How far would you drive to audition a component?

Taking a poll to get opinions of A'goners. If you were looking to hear a particular component but had no local dealer or the local dealer didn't stock the piece, how far would you be willing to travel to audition it? Many of us don't live in the major metros so I'm just curious to what you think. Thanks for your time.
I flew from NJ to Detroit to hear a pair of speakers that were on sale here. Ended up not buying, but at the level of dollars involved, it was well worth it.
I made a few trips from Cleveland to NYC just for audio demo's and to check new stuff out, I guess I am kinda cheating because my folks live there....I do go for the audio but to visit is a big plus.
Flew from Seattle to Denver to hear some monoblocks. After listening to the monos I had an opportunity to listen to the amp that I ultimately purchased. A full, very pleasant day at the dealer in an enclosed room with my music and some outstanding components...sweet.
I sometimes will plan auditions when I am traveling. I plan on being in boston Mass. this spring for a conference so will arrange a visit or two with local dealers. I let dealers know my situation and plans and if I do audition from them and end up deciding on the product I audition I will always make the purchase from them. There are no dealers where I live, closest and most often visited in 250miles away.