How good is Accuphase DP-700 SACD/CD Player

I would appreciate if you can give me hands-on claims as to How Good is this New DP-700 SACD/CD Player from Accuphase?

Dp78 is a step up from DP500. More refinement, more articulate and more detailed.
I heard from a friend that DP700 is miles ahead of DP78, can just imagine Dp500 vs Dp700.
I think we all know that DP-700 is miles ahead - but we want to hear this and more from AN USER. Now - where's that User...
I have had it in my system for over two weeks. And before that - DP-78 and DP-500.

That was a part of mt "new CDP" quest. I have also tried the Krell 505, Naim CD555, EMM SE combo, MBL 1531 and ARC Ref CD-7.

I liked DP-700 and Ref CD 7 the best, although IN MY SYSTEM, which is all-ARC, CD-7 had a slight edge.

But you can't go wrong with DP-700, IMO. And its build quality is second to none in the biz - it actually reminds me of my neighbour's Bentley GT Speed.
Hi Elberoth2

That's an assurance for the Accuphase in the sonic & fit-n-finish departments. Thank you!! So, is it close to their flagship - 800/801 combo?

I have hade the DP-700 a couple of months. It is a very good player, and one of the best at its price point from my point of view. It replaced Cary 306 SACD which sounds like a cheap product in comparison. The Dp-700 is much more refined, has a precise and deep soundstage, much more liquid and analog sound. I have also compared it in my own system against Burmester 001 and the latest Burmester 069 reference player (both 2008 models). I found the Dp700 slightly better than the similar priced 001, but far behind the lot more expensive 069. I use my Dp700 for SACDs only as I now have the Burmester 069 for ultimate redbook playback.