How long is too long to ship?

I bought a item by check. The check cleared 3Jan 02 today is the 15th. Sent email the 10th no reply. Sent nasty email today and responce was not shipped yet will check with bank. When you tell me it will clear on the 3rd and it clears on the 3rd i expect it to be shipped within 3 days. I am not sure but am i expecting too much?
Never buy an item from an individual by check mailed to them before you get the item. Always insist on COD via certified check or money order - it protects both parties ewspecially the buyer as I know some people are burned when the money is not waiting when the item arrives. It is part of what we risk in the Audiogon format. Have you heard from this individual or company?
At least this guy is answering your e-mails. If he was going to burn you, you wouldn’t here a peep. I know this situation is very frustrating and if your not polite who knows what will happen. One thing I will advise next time is to mail a USPS money order or find out if your bank has a local branch in his town (i.e. Wells Fargo, Bank of America) I generally don't mind checks if I can cash them close by. Otherwise a money order or pay-pal is the best way to speed things up. Of course if you have a moron for a seller nothing you do will speed up the process. Believe me, I've been where you are right now and can sympathize 100%. Hang in there and check your bank to make sure you know when the check clears.

Good luck and remember it's not an exact science:~)
```An email telling you, "check cleared, will ship on... or can't ship until 00/00/0000 because...", would have been considerate. How long could it take? Even for a hunt and peck dinosaur like me, 1 minute max! Computer crashed? Those peculiar oddities hanging on the wall still function, last time it was dialed( Whew did I say dialed? OK I admit it, still have my batphone!)
```Personally,I have a difficult time being nasty, but will, when backed into a corner. I'd tell you good luck, but, I hope luck has nothing to do with it! Let us know the outcome and what excuse was used. Remember, feedbacks tell us all about the Weenies! GOD BLESS!
Well, I just sold an item recently @ this site and my bank was not very helpful in confirming that the funds were good (the clerks quoted the usual 7-10 working days). This is not quite accurate as an NSF notice can take up to 14 days via interstate banks (I once worked for both a major clearings bank and the Federal Reserve Bank). Most banks (even large ones) farm out these processing services nowadays and I have run across officers and even managers who do not have a firm grasp as to how the banking system actually works. My bank attempted to process a check from Greece (drawn on a major NYC bank) without even applying routing numbers to it (which is the same as mailing a letter without an address) and had the nerve to tell me that the check was no good when it came back. Don't know if this is what is happening with your transaction, but believe me it/this does happen. I have had to threaten my bank twice with a small claims court case (and exposure in the LA times) to have money credited to my account (which has been lost due to their errors). They recently racked up a $230 loss (in the past ten months) by being basically incompetent, which I had to fight to get back.
Thanks for replys. He said his bank thought it would clear by the 3rd if it did he would ship next day. I checked with the credit union and it did clear on the 3rd. Yesterday he sent a email saying he would check with his bank. He is about 12 days late on that. So its limbo for me. Will list out come as events dictate. Thanks