How much longer will CDs be made?

I "need" to justify spending $5000-$7000 for an outstanding CD player that will work well with my Spectral/MIT system.
My wife would prefer I buy a new flat panel HI DEF TV and Blu-Ray for movies and have money left over.
She says the SonyXA9000ES I use is perfectly fine for music.
She feels downloading HD music is imminent and figures I won't listen to my CDs when I hear the increased quality of Hi Def music downloads. She's comparing the improvement to Blu Ray movies over DVDs.
Personally, with the DVD-A & SACD demise (which I find sad)
and the exponential growth of lo-fi players I no longer know what to think.
Will CDs continue to be made for at least the next 5 years?
All comments welcome.
CD's just plain sound better then downloaded music right now. I will buy CD's until that changes at a cost less then my CD player - $1800.

Tiger, you have a very good point-but!
Sony could actually enhance Blu-Ray sales(ok, not by much) by making it a state of the art Hi Res 2 channel audio player as well as the video star it is. The additional cost would be minimal and it would make the player the greatest all-rounder in the world-surpassing SACD quality for example.
Sony entertainment could benefit hugely by making all artist production at a significantly higher level.
Sony could also revolutionize the recording studios and Blu-Ray CD music and video industries with their new higher quality format.
Come to think of it- this idea is a no brainer--but--will Sony do something this eminently sensible?
Anyone from SONY listening in?
(I also think that while people are excited abouy the enhanced movie enjoyment from Blu Ray this is the ideal time to add further excitement with truly HI RES AUDIO.)
Sony Blu Ray audio is already being used, and is just as you say, Neil young just did a deal to do all his stuff on blu ray hi res 2 channel audio already. It exists, I am shocked this is not well known already. It was only a few weeks ago, but it is happening so don't worry sony will not miss the boat on this one as you guys seem to fear.

Neil Young to Release Archive on Blu-ray

Posted May 6, 2008 03:37 PM by Josh

Blu-ray Movies At a Sun Microsystems conference held today in San Francisco, rock-legend Neil Young announced that he will be releasing his highly anticipated (and continuously delayed) archive project on Blu-ray. The first 10-disc set will chronicle 1963-1972, presumably one disc for each year. In addition to including high definition audio recording of all his songs (including previously unreleased works), the discs will include videos, handwritten manuscripts, and other memorabilia.

Young selected Blu-ray as the medium to release his archive, not only because of its huge storage capacity, but also for its ability to be updated via BD-Java and BD-Live. He expects that as more material becomes available, it will be provided to fans via a web interface for download.

He commented, "Previous technology required unacceptable quality compromises. I am glad we waited and got it right".

The first set is expected to be released this fall under the Reprise/Warner Brothers Records brand.

Source: | Permalink
Other than the different format (Blu Ray versus SACD), is there any difference in resolution between the two?

Interesting that we're still discussing silver discs, and the majority in this thread appear to believe that discs are going away in the near future.

Technology races on, and manufacturers grasp at whatever is going to sell. Sony has done this over and over.

It's hard for me to get excited about investing in any new format.

Anyone remember the MiniDisc, or consumer DAT?
Tvad, Thanks for the update.
I did not know that Blu Ray players actually played a Hi-Res format for AUDIO.
If you are right-that the Blu Ray provides Hi Res audio-like full 24/96 or 24/192- it puts a whole new angle on things for me.
I will check into it further but I don't remember any posts here on Audiogon raving about Blu-Ray sound.