How's your music library?

When looking through the systems on A-gon, people's music libraries are frequently missing, not shown, or possibly not in the same room. After all the $$$ spent on one's system, I'd like to know what's behind all of this. After all, it is the entire raison d'ĂȘtre for audiomania.

I had a collection of about 200+ LPs that I've recently sold or given away; finally able to emotional divorce myself from the vinyl I started acquiring as a teenager. I began building my CD collection about 15-16 years ago. It's now 636 titles and nearly 700 discs. It spans the globe and periods from the Renaissance though 20th century, BeBop to Acid Jazz, Afro Celt to Zap Mama, and a fair dose of Rock & Pop. Recently, the fastest growing genre has been 20th century music which has surpassed earlier "classical" music but still trailing the Jazz and World sections. A modest collection certainly, and compared to a friend who has a library (unfortunately uncatalogued) of well over 2000 titles, quite modest. He's gotta music library! I suspect there are quite a few other impressive libraries out there. Please tell us.

How's in your music library?
I have too much invested in vinly so I'm stuck for the long haul. I started collecting 30 years ago. I trimmed my collection down to a superb 1,500 LPs. However, I just purchased my audiophile friends collection (30 years in the making) of 3,300 LP's. They are Classicsl, Jazz, Pop/Rock, Easy Listening, Male / Female vocals, Blues and many soundtracks. I am keeping some and selling the rest.

If interested, e-mail me and I can give you the list to look through. The prices will be reasonable.

BTW - I sold my SME and am using the amazing Grand Prix Audio Table in my reference system.
I have only 250 CDs and 50 SACDs of classical and jazz and vocals and some rock. I am now 58 and don't keep CDs that I am no longer wanting to listen to. But I listen alot to the CDs that I have. It's probably just me but I would be overwhelmed with thousands of CDs. I am always open to new stuff though.
I have over 200 books on music and related topics. About two dozen books on album cover art alone and many reference books regarding everything from John Cage to folk, electronic, psychedelic, ethnuc, Blues, punk, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90's rock and jazz. Also, many biographies and just plain weird and fun stuff related to music. did say libraries! I have some LPs too.
Happy listening! And reading!
i sort my lps and cds by label. within each label, i sort in numerical sequence. this is the easiest way to find a recording.

i have about 1100 lps and about 1000 cds. i haven't been playing too many lps lately, partially because i am reviewing alot and lps are a nuisance.

i have a method of making sure i listen to all my cds.
i prefer jazz, classical, blues new age and blue grass as musical genres.

i will listen to each genre, in order of label until i have heard all of my cds. i may not play each cd all the way through but will listen to several selections. it does take time to cycle my entire cd collection.

my reviewing keeps me busy. it's quite interesting to audition different components and observe the differences between them. sometimes i get attached to a component, but i can't afford to buy all of them. it's often disappointing to give up something you like.