how to best a/b cables

Ok, I admit it: I have serious doubts about the claims of those who believe in cables. But I am willing to take their challenge - let my ears decide. So I went to a local dealer (who is probably reading this thread - Hi!!) and got some Transparent speaker cables and interconnects to audition. My setup: Linn LP12 turntable, Linn Linto phono stage, Linn Ikemi CDP, Plinius 8200 integrated, B&W N804 speakers and 10 year old Audioquest cables & inters (I believe they are the "Ruby" models.)

My question: my Linn Linto has dual outputs. Can I connect my old cables into one output and the Transparents into the other and then run them into two different inputs in the line stage pre and thereby get a good way to a/b the cables? My dealer says it is not a good way to get an a/b comparison because the two sets of cables will affect eachother and it will muddy the water. Does this make sense? If I hook one into the tape1 input and the other into the tape2 input and if I'm switched to tape1, then tape2 is an open circuit and should be completely inert and vice versa. Any comments?

I find quick switches back and forth do not work for me. I like to listen to a long passage of music, then switch and replay with the other cables. It takes many switches back and forth to really get a good handle on the all the differences between the 2 cables. I miss things when it is a quick switch back and forth. We listen long, so you should compare long. The negative fatigue factor won't become apparent with a quick switch. Neither will the good musical toe-tapping factor.
I agree with Sugarbrie and will go one further to say that quick back-and-forth switching actually obscures sonic differences between cables (or components). But try it both ways and see for yourself.
Sugarbie's and Drubin's points are well taken and I tend to agree. But if the claim is that the difference will be "jaw dropping", shouldn't that be apparent using the quick a/b method?
I've spent alot of time testing cables this past year. I found quick A/B to be less successful than three to five day tests. Play a set of disks over a three day period. Spend time listening to the detail and also spend time simply enjoying the music. Now switch the cables and play the same disks over the next three days.
I found that certain cables were extremely enjoyable and brought out more detail. Others left me less involved and less impressed.
I must agree with the above posts though. If you can't hear it right off, than why change?
People who study hearing for a living use quick switching because they've found that humans do not remember subtle differences for very long (like measured in fractions of seconds). But there are lots of audiophiles who believe otherwise. Nonetheless, you can do ABX testing any way you want, either quick switching or listening to whole passages. Just don't expect it to be easy!