How to by amp or bridge Amps

I have to of the same whatt amps one pair of speakers. Only useing one but not enought power . Would like use the both,for more power , Do not know what wires and rca go where. Can't afford a mistake. Thanks chris Boca Raton FL
John and All:

Perhaps my post was too insulting and too harsh, but it was just my honest, gut reaction to a poster who could not even take a minute or two to correct multiple obvious and serious mistakes in his post before posing a simple question. The guy's further idiotic replies to my initial post proved that I had him pegged exactly right.

I do not treat people poorly (not without being unduly provoked, anyway) and I think anyone who knows me will attest to that.

I apologize to those I've offended, but I will point out that those who attacked me for my post were no less harsh and offensive toward me. But I'm not about to whine like a baby and start calling names in return. I have no time for such foolishness.

It is obvious to me that some at this site don't care one iota about their grammar or spelling, or how their posts will be perceived by the general public. Unfortunately, many people, including myself, find some of these posts that contain so many egregious errors, offensive to our sensibilities. Usually, I just have a good laugh about it and forget it, but this one time, the offenses were just too many and too blatant for me to contain my disgust -- and I had to vent. So again, I apologize to those who are offended. Is it elitist snobbery to have some basic standards? I think not.

I mean, could you imagine filling out a job application with that many errors???

Maybe this is shocking to some and perhaps it needs to be. Wake up and smell the coffee gents!
Well, Jimjensen if you want to know more about Plat, check out the forum titled "Who R U" on Audiogon.

Well Plato,Sorry for slamming you but I hope you should know why I did it. I know you post regularly here and look up to you but just SHOCKED to see the post you wrote.

Well, we all have good and bad days and you should know that all people are/were created equal. Mr. Metaldaze might one who does not speak and write well. That's his problem to deal with but WE the people who can help should encourage those who need it.

Just my 2 cents worth.

I understand the points that you and others have made here. In retrospect, I realize that I should have been more tactful and not sarcastic or condescending in my original response. Certainly arguments made in that fashion do more harm than good and I should know that by now.

My initial reply was a definite knee-jerk response and I can agree that it was too brutal and not what was called for in this situation.

So again, I apologize to all for my ill-considered brutality and especially to Chris/Metaldaze for singling him out as I did. Chris, I hope you will forgive me one day.

I am sometimes too quick to react and blurt things out and that may make me an A--hole in the eyes of some. I'm far from perfect, but I do admit it when I'm wrong.
It takes a real man to step up to the plate and admit he was wrong.. My respect for you has been restored Plato..