How would you feel

I tried to place this thread another way but obviously stood on some toes and it looks like it got moderated so here goes again another way.

Two years ago I purchased what is considered a well respected amplifier brand new and at the time the retail price was $9,000 The same item is now being sold internet direct for $3,799

Part of me asks where is the brand loyalty or protection as certainly my resale now has taken a big bath.

The Audiophile and music lover part of me says its good because more people can now afford such a product.

How would you feel?
"Makes you really wonder what you are paying for."

One would probably be well advised to always wonder about that.
I'd be p.o.ed for sure, but not at the selling company. I'd realize that it's nothing personal, just business. They need to do whatever they need to do to stay in business. I'd review WHY I bought that piece and change my strategy for the next time. Consider it a lesson from the school of hard knocks, as much as it DOES SUCK. Ugh!
This happened to me on a much smaller scale with a pair of ICs. You have my sympathy, for sure.
You said it retailed for $9K but what did you pay? I hope VAC goes internet direct soon.
That really has to stinks that a $9K amp is now being sold for $3700. Makes you really wonder what you are paying for.
It appears not enough demand @$9K so had to reduce expenses by going direct and drop price until it reaches supply=demand or ch 11 if price is too low to stay profitable.

Tough business and reason I don't haggle with boutique audio companies if I like their products ... want them to stay in business.