How would you feel

I tried to place this thread another way but obviously stood on some toes and it looks like it got moderated so here goes again another way.

Two years ago I purchased what is considered a well respected amplifier brand new and at the time the retail price was $9,000 The same item is now being sold internet direct for $3,799

Part of me asks where is the brand loyalty or protection as certainly my resale now has taken a big bath.

The Audiophile and music lover part of me says its good because more people can now afford such a product.

How would you feel?
That really has to stinks that a $9K amp is now being sold for $3700. Makes you really wonder what you are paying for.
It appears not enough demand @$9K so had to reduce expenses by going direct and drop price until it reaches supply=demand or ch 11 if price is too low to stay profitable.

Tough business and reason I don't haggle with boutique audio companies if I like their products ... want them to stay in business.

I have a simple solution for this issue.
Always buy used. You'll never have to worry about this, again.
Well, if I liked the amp enough to spend $9,000, then I would still like the amp. I wouldn't like what I paid for it though, but that's two years after the fact

Makes you wonder about the value of high end gear