HT vs. stereo pre-amps again

I've currently got both a Sunfire Theatre Grand MKII and a Perreaux SA3 stereo preamp, both of which are feeding the amp that powers my fronts (bryston 4B-NRB). It's an inconvenient setup (neither has a pass-through). Several threads here have discussed whether there are HT preamp/processors which can compete with a good stereo preamp, and if I read them correctly, the consensus is probably not. Bryston has a new processor out (SP1) which has completely separate analog and digital sections. Anyone have any experience with this unit? It's analog section is just their BP25 preamp. Alternatively, anyone have a surround processor (I'm looking maybe CAL CL2500) that really keeps up with a good analog unit?
Sean - the sunfire isn't bad on two channel, especially when hooked up via the digital out of the source, but again, it doesn't compare to my perreaux. it does have a lot of features and convenience. the one aspect i dislike is that even with the latest base management, you can't set the crossover at less than 80hz.

dhodges - haven't checked out the anthem. i'll take a look. thanks.
Actually, ther is an answer..the Theta CasaNova or Casablanca. If you get the version with digital out, you also get an external black box that is used for volume control. Your output (e.g. from your DAC) can be directly connected to the "black box" whihc only contains outstanding Vishay resistors for volume control. If you want to do the surround/home theater things, you can go through the actual processor itself. The processor also has a direct analog pass through that is not digitized if that is what you would like to do but that won't be as transparent as using the black box directly.
dbw1 (& sean) - do your preamps have separate tape-monitor loops? if ya use a tape-loop for yer processor, then the only drawback is the need to use the wolume controls for both the pre & the processor, when doing that wideo-ting...

doug s.

YBA is releasing a new Preamp in their less expensive Audio Refinement line. It will be about $1295, AC-3/DTS/ 6 ch input, analog pass thru's, and the unrelenting sound quality that Yves is known for. This promises to be a killer.

Doug, i've been "halfway" looking for a decent processor to try with the Marsh via the tape loop. I am aware of having to do the "dual volume balancing act" using this method. Given the results that i've gotten using this preamp for two channel use as compared to the other processors that i've mentioned, there is NO comparison. This is not to say that the Marsh is the "end all" for preamps by any means, but that it simply works quite well in this specific system.

Dbw1, thanks for the feedback. I too would want to go lower than 80 Hz on the subs if possible. The "new and improved" Sunfire HT preamp will probably be out by the end of the year from what i was told by the factory. Maybe that will give us what we are looking for.

As to Dhodges and Sounddood, thanks for the tips. I was somewhat interested in the Anthem piece but was unable to find one locally. I've since found a shop that has got them in stock and may need to give them a shout. As to the YBA piece, i would be quite interested in that piece also. Maybe it has been a good thing that i haven't jumped the gun on anything yet. Could be bigger and better things on the horizon. Then again, isn't there always... : ) Sean