I don't remember much, but I remember......

Not sure about you guys but it seems to me that things are getting a little tense here again and we need to have a little bit of fun! I was enjoying an evening of listening to my rig and then I saw it...my first CD(sorry guys too young for LP's!). I remember everything about the day I got it, the weather, the time, where it was purchase, even the price! The CD was U2's "Achtung Baby" I put the CD in(I have not listened to it in years)and was brought back to a time not too long ago when things seemed.....well, simpler. Then I got to think what a profound impact that one event had on my life, the joy of music. Does anyone else remember there first CD or LP? did it have as much of an impact on you as mine had on me?
Foghat's "Fool for the City"....Slow Ride... Terreplane Blues...I was in 7th grade at the time, and since I'd
hadn't experienced sex yet, it was the one of greatest
days of my life! I bought it at Woolworth's dept. store
in Dubuque, IA, which has long since gone-the store-not
Great thread. First LP bought with my own money was The Allman Brothers "Live at the Fillmore East. Great album. The first CD.....Hmmmm, actually I don't remember. Dave.
My first LP was some disney thing when i was 3. I think it was donald duck travel around the world. My first CD is New Order's Technique back in 89.
What a response!!! I did not know so many others felt the same, also I see a lot of names I don't see that often, nice to see you all posting. Keep them coming, this is fun!
Nice thred Tireguy. In the late '50s, my two year older sister had pretty much commandeered my folks Zenith 45 RPM record player, and she bought Gene Vincent's "Be Bop A lula". I couldn'd get enough of that song, and have loved R&R ever since. And we had 45s of Buddy Holly, Elvis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, The Everly Brothers etc. If you be livin', you gotta' have rhythm.

Fast forward to early 90's, and the "post-Bose" era. I was wandering around the music/electronics section of a Fred Meyer Dept. store in Coos Bay, Oregon. They had nothing but CDs-- no LPs, and I was totally fascinated by the silences within the music compared to cheap LP systems. Well, I bought a $250. JVC boombox that played CDs, and half a dozen CDs, one of which was Anne Murray's "Christmas Wishes". I now have a $40K+ digital based stereo system, but every year at Christmas time we still play the Anne Murray CD for hours at a time. It's a beautifully done CD. And BTW, for portable use, we still use the old JVC. Cheers. Craig