"I'll pay you later today"

I've been buying and selling on Audiogon for a while, and as a seller I've had my share of tirekickers and "What's your best price?" fishermen. Lots of people ask questions, then are never heard from again. That doesn't bother me. The one thing I haven't experienced on Audiogon until recently has been someone who commits to a deal and then doesn't pay.

The last several times I've attempted to sell something, I've received quite a few "I want to buy your stuff! What's your PayPal address?" emails from zero-feedback members. I've got nothing against zero-feedback members - I was one once myself - but way too many of them send these emails, and are never heard from again.

Even worse are the ones who say, "I will pay you later today/tomorrow," basically asking you to hold the item, and then never come through. I've missed a couple of opportunities to sell because of these people, because I feel that if I've promised something to someone, they should get it.

So, is this some sort of sick joke than I'm too clueless to understand, or is it some sort of scam to build a database of PayPal email addresses for hack attempts, or what?

I suppose I need to start setting time limits, i.e, "My PayPal address is xxxxx, you have four hours to make your payment." I hate to be that way though.

Suggestions? Sympathy? Scorn? :-)
There must be someone else on watch tonight because every time I've tried to post something that "might" be construed as a negative, having ANYthing to do with an audiogon experience, my post has been censored.
I completely agree with you too with your content. There are getting to be more "flaky" people here, both as buyers (that don't do what they say, as you mentioned) AND sellers, the have ZERO feedback and their first offer is for a $4000 amp or pair of speakers. Duh.....tell me where to send the money order!
Thanks for shining some light on one of the problems here. It is a POSITIVE thing for newer members that are honest but unaware.
Good Listening!
I've been including in my recent ads something to the efffect "Sales to Agon Members with good feedback Only"...it seems to keep away the riff raff...
I also have phone conversations with most members I deal with. Great way to make audio friends. Several of my good friends I met on Agon...a couple local and some not so local.
I have had nothing but positive experiences on Audiogon. Lots of people "fishing" but all those that said they were going to pay did pay. I do have a new policy: a buyer is notified that they have 24 hours to deposit the money in paypal or I go on to the next buyer. My son has gone so far as to say, "the first one that puts money in gets it, and any money put in after that gets refunded back". Strict, but he has been burned too many times by buyers that don't come through. I'm not there yet.
When I'm selling a relatively expensive piece, I don't like to use Paypal because of the fees which result is money out of my pocket. So, I request check but, require $100 Paypal deposit.
I have had this numerous times as well, when someone agrees to buy it, I tell all future interested parties that I have seious interest, but no money yet, and if it falls through, I will contact them in x days so they can plan. Generally, most of the later offers will/have tolerated it, and yes some have gone elsewhere and ultimately cost me the sale, for then. I like Pawlowski6132's idea of a PP deposit, I might use that one, as long as I state that the deposit will be non refundable...