I'm now a Cardas Woman. I used to be a Kimber gal

Well i was interested in the new Cardas Parsec. I bought one and went WOW! What have i been missing!
So then I bought another.. then went for the big one (seven meter pre to amp, big bucks)
Added a few more. Bought a used Golden Reference here to have for a tease..
So I went from Kimber all around to Cardas.
I liked Kimber, used them for-ever.. Nice, but this new Cardas Parsec has me. (Kimber has some catching up to do guys..) The Cardas is just more 'natural'.

This is like changing auto brand: Lifetime loyal BMW owner.. years of Beemers.. suddenly buys a Porshe! And LOVES it.

Some of them are still in shipment from Cardas. I am just so excited.
I used to have the Hero between an Aragon 24K preamp and McCormack DNA .5 amp and it worked wonders there. It's really a go to cable as far as I'm concerned. I believe the wire in your project cable uses an improved dialectric (white and clear) so you're ahead of the game right there.

Hopefully, whatever break-in takes place will be painless :-).

One thing I noticed was that the Hero had sweeter highs than the Parsec. The Parsec seemed more matter of fact.

Anyway, best of luck with your system.
My Idea of a full loom is one pair of speaker cables, one interconnect, one power cable, I have not had the chance to hear the power cable with the rest of the cables, but one interconnect 1-meter, one pair of 6ft speaker cables, Its the best I ever listened too, It's a full loom!, I run source to amp, done deal, LOl!, I do believe length will have alot to do with a loom to sound good, Taralabs told me never to use more than two meters of the zero gold interconnect, otherwise the sound will go south, they tell all their customers this about the zero gold I/C.. I'm sorry it did not work out for you pops with the 0.8 5- meter interconnect, this also may be system dependent on what you were useing the cable on, I also have a full loom of the Taralabs the one cable model, used them in the same set-up I have, worked spectacular!, To each their own, If the day comes that I cannot run a full loom, I get rid of componets that must have effected the cables sound to perform poorly!