I think it is time to retire

Based on what my ears tell me the following should retire from putting out new material. Like great athletes (Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice, Jim Kelly etc.) who played long after they should have retired, these people should stop cheapening their great careers.

Rolling Stones, Neil Young, Donald Fagen, David Gilmore, Roger Waters, Elton John are some that come to mind. I would like to know what others think of these people’s efforts to keep it going. I would also like to hear of any additions to my list.

This post is meaningful due to the record industry's policy of NO RETURNS.
If you open and play the disk and it stinks on ice "tough s**t for you, booby! You bought it!"
In this day and age, I'd like to see new releases available for listening in low rez (for free) so you decide before buying an $18.99 turd.
In this day and age, I'd like to see new releases available for listening in low rez (for free) so you decide before buying an $18.99 turd.

Many music stores allow you to listen to exceprts of every song on every cd they sell, Borders, Barnes & Noble, Wal Mart and many others.

Amazon.com also does this on-line and allmusic.com has snippets from most albums.
No mean-spirit intended, none taken. I'm honestly fascinated by the subject. Had the Beatles made 3 or 4 more albums that weren't "Revolver" quality, how many people would be upset out there? Not me. I like the fact that there are still Stones albums out there that I might still take in, if I have an inkling to. Every now and then I hear a Stones song that I've never heard before. I like that. On the other hand, every Beatles song in existence is sunk into our DNA by now. There's no more.

Put another way - What is your preference for rock career management:

The Police - 5 albums, all great.
The Stones - 30+ albums, a dozen great.


grace slick said it best,nobody wants to see an old broad up on stage anymore.

a 80 year old mick jagger in skin tight spandex :( YUK!
WTF? The new David Gilmour album is awesome, and the the live show at the Gibson Amphitheater in L.A. was a sonic and musical masterpiece.