I think it is time to retire

Based on what my ears tell me the following should retire from putting out new material. Like great athletes (Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice, Jim Kelly etc.) who played long after they should have retired, these people should stop cheapening their great careers.

Rolling Stones, Neil Young, Donald Fagen, David Gilmore, Roger Waters, Elton John are some that come to mind. I would like to know what others think of these people’s efforts to keep it going. I would also like to hear of any additions to my list.

I'd like to add to Herman's comment there's also allmusic.com which gives you the opportunity to listen to parts of songs right there in the privacy of your home before committing to buy.

As far as mandatory retirement goes, in a free market economy one may produce as long as fans buy the product; retirement happens naturally if they don't. Many of the artists I like are so eclectic, most listeners would probably feel these artists should've never been given a tape recorder in the first place. I find it interesting when I have a negative reaction to a piece of music: Sometimes I'll listen to the end, just to analyze what it is that bugs me. As result this has opened my mind and I can enjoy tunes from a spectrum as diverse as Lawrence Welk, Mantovani on one end and the Residents, the Shaggs and Trumans Water on the other. I try not let myself be influenced by anything other than my ears. That said, I'm extremely discriminating when it comes to my favorite music, but I hold no grudge against the chaff. I just ignore it.
These artists are musicians. It's their profession and life. We don't bash old black bluesman for playing until the end. If you don't like them fine, don't listen, don't go. Neil's latest is great.
I don't have a problem with groups or musicians that are creative staying around and putting out new material. A lot of these groups like Aerosmith, The Stones, Bon Jovi, Rush, Santana, Pink Floyd and Neil Young (who I really haven't listened to since he revived his career playing with Pearl Jam) should just stop producing bad music so they can make more money. I know it's not any worse than untalented musicians that are forced down our throats on the radio, but these old groups actually were great at one time and seem to just tarnish their accomplishments. If these guys want to go and play shows here and there fine, play your old stuff let people remember who you were not who you've become.
It's sad, but I'll add James Brown. I love what he did in his heyday. I'm a huge fan of his work from the 1950's up until the mid 70's but he needed to retire years ago. I
Van Morrison's voice never sounded anything close to 'clear' but one of the great rock & roll voices.

Fagen's voice on his new one sounds awful - weak and lacking in range. Like he can't get down lower than the top of his throat (which is how Springsteen has always sounded to me and why he bores me).