I2S, S/PDIF, Toslink connections

In searching for a new DAC the input choices are many. There are several ways in which inputs can be connected to a DAC and this can be compounded when an USB/SPDIF converter is inserted between computer and DAC. I wish to learn more regarding the SQ as afforded by these inputs.

Specific questions:
I am of the understanding that coaxial is superior to toslink when connecting CDP to DAC. Is this true?

What is an I2S connection and what are advantages to this option? Uses an HDMI cable i believe.

Thanks in advance for helping with my understanding.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmesch
did some extensive testing of the I2S connection when i got my PS Audio PWT/PWD back in 2009. all three listeners easily preferred the I2S connection....and i stress the "easily" part as it was obvious to us. we went on to compare the set-up to higher priced gear and the I2S connection held its own...besting transport/dac combo's that cost considerably more. the same was *not* true when we used rca or xlr with the PWT/PWD.

i walked away thinking I2S was the difference maker when properly implemented/executed. i still believe that today.

just my 2 cents though. your mileage could vary.
Again, I wish to thank all for their comments. When I upgrade I wish to take advantage of the I2S interface.

Steve, I must add that I very much appreciate the Empirical Audio Web page information.
Steve, the only _input_ on the OR5 seems to be USB. And there's no USB Out from a Squeezebox Touch.
Cymbop - Actually you can stream USB output from SB Touch, but it requires a USB converter with Linux driver compatibility. The HiFace2 will work.

If you wanted to reduce jitter from S/PDIF coax or Toslink, this can be done with a reclocker like the Synchro-Mesh. Unfortunately, there are none with I2S outputs .... yet.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio