If you had 10k to spend on tube amp?????

What company's products should I be looking at?
For what speakers? Amps and speakers should always be considered in combination with one another. Nonetheless, my short list would include:

Atma-Sphere OTLs (the MA-2s will drive most speakers but a used pair will be over your limit, the MA-1s require a bit more care in matching)

Convergent Audio/CAT (if one must live with a transformer based amp)

Lamm (for efficient speakers)
I agree with Rushton. No recommendation is worthwhile without knowing the speakers that will be used.

Are you going to be using the Martin Logan Odyssey speakers?
Get the Rogue Zeus for $7995 new or for much less used.They don't show up used very often though.Keep the other $2000 for your speakers upgrade .