iMac vs. PC Laptop

I am currently weighing the pros/cons of an iMac vs. a PC laptop for a variety of uses at home, including as a digital music server. Can someone educate me on the pros/cons of each as they pertain specifically to setting up and running a digital music server? Ideally, I would like to go wireless to a DAC.

The rest of the system is a Rotel 1067 pre-amp/1075 amp, Paradigm Studio60 V.3 speakers, matching center and rears (current sources are Music Hall CD25.2 CD player, Oppo DVD).

Thanks to all.
Fishbonegt wrote:
"So, will PC at 24/96 deliver the same sound quality as my Music Hall cd25.2 CD player?"

Definitely, with the right USB or Wi-Fi converter it will probably pass it up. I have yet to find a CD player that beats good computer audio.

Steve N.
Sbrtoy wrote:
"A question for Steve, I have been contemplating your Turbomod for my DAC1, what are your thoughts on the value of completing the mod and continuing to use a Squeezebox and feed to the DAC1 via spdif?"

The DAC mods will improve the bass and the dynamics. It also improve the extension and clarity, particularly if a Superclock4 is added.

"Is there a major difference in going straight from a usb offramp to DAC?"

Yes, the clarity and HF extension/imaging will be better than the SB. If you go with a Off-Ramp I2S with the I2S interface on the DAC-1, this is the best clarity and imaging I have heard from ANY digital gear, including the best Meridian DAC with DSP, the Dodson 218 and others. This combo is being currently reviewed by 6-moons.

Just yesterday I powered-up the first proto of the Off-Ramp Wi-Fi with I2S interface. This is a modded AirPort Express. Amazing sound driving the DAC-1 with I2S, even though it's only 16/44.1.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
"I have yet to find a CD player that beats good computer audio."

You should try the Aberdeen North Star transport.
What's an Aberdeen? I also mod the Northstar transport and DAC. Really excellent with mods, but the Off-Ramp I2S is still better. IMO, the Northstar Transport and DAC with my mods is the best CD playback that I have heard. Very close to computer-driven audio. For folks that dont want to mess with computers, this is what I recommend. The Northstar transport has I2S output at 24/192, compatible with my Benchmark DAC-1 and the Northstar DAC has I2S input compatible with my Off-Ramps.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio
"What's an Aberdeen? I also mod the Northstar transport and DAC. Really excellent with mods, but the Off-Ramp I2S is still better. IMO, the Northstar Transport and DAC with my mods is the best CD playback that I have heard. Very close to computer-driven audio. For folks that dont want to mess with computers, this is what I recommend. The Northstar transport has I2S output at 24/192, compatible with my Benchmark DAC-1 and the Northstar DAC has I2S input compatible with my Off-Ramps."

Aberdeen is the one who fixed the NorthStar DAC for you.

I really doubt your Off-Ramp I2S is better.