Improvements to OPPO 105 DARBEE?

Are there some significant improvements to look for?
What features are obviously missing?
Are upgrades available via internet?
Assuming the stereo analog audio quality is adaquate; is there
any reason this machine would not be completely adequate to allow enjoyment of virtually all current formats for audio, video, TV, internet radio stations, etc?
What other specialty pieces of equipment are necessary to make full use of this Oppo?
I'm still using basic CD's & a turntable and not technically astute. :-(
Even on my Oppo 103D concert blu-rays are a treat. In my case it's HDMI out to the projector and digital coax out to my Wadia intuition amp. And to my ears the DAC on the Wadia is more natural sounding than Oppo Sabre DAC.

And the picture (usually darbee enhanced) is fabulous on my 150" screen.
Thanks db. I still don't know if regular non hi-def tv is better through the 105 Darbee?
Thanks Larry. How much and in what way do you find the sound of the Wadia better? You mention blu-rays. Can tv be enhanced as well?