improving digital amp sound

Although I find that digital amps have many advantages, I have also found that the sound is somewhat lean and clinical. Has anyone found that matching a digital amp with a tubed preamp restores some musicality to the sound, or is it just a mask?


I have a Mark Levinson SS Pre Amp and Amp. My phono Stage is tubed. BAT Vk 10se. Its the best of both worlds. I tried Aesthetics tubed Pre Amp with SS amp but did not like it.
Try to use a PS audio P300 powerplant. I have tried it with a Nuforce, and made it a darker, nicer sounding piece of amplifier.
Carinaram, the Bel Canto Evo 2 is a very lovely power amp. PSCIALLI uses EVO 2 bridged to mono in a configuration fed by a VTL 6.5 version 2. The rest of the system consists of a ModWright 999 with all the most recent modifications and B&W 803 speakers. The result is stunningly beautiful, tuneful, delicate, detailed and powerful.
I have a Red Wine Audio Signature 30 on the way that i am going to audition.It is a T-chip amp(not familiar with this).It is getting some great reviews so i am going to take it for a test spin since he offers a 30 day money back guarantee.Anybody familiar with this amp.I am assuming T-chip is digital?Ok i let my ignorance show....oops.