Infinity cs 3009

Brand new here.  Does anyone have any knowledge on cabinet specifications or have technical input for Infinity cs 3009?   I am thinking about actually trying to build a pair, or at least something comparable or better than these. Heard us at years ago and loved them and now I cannot seem to find any to purchase. Any help or input would be appreciated. 
I encourage you to build a modern kit instead, there are many great one's.

In about the form factor you are thinking of, I really like the components in this PSB kit:
You won't find exact replacement parts to build a pair of these.  The pair that Erik recommended is excellent although there are a ton of lower cost alternatives.  If you are interested, let me know and I'll be happy to provide you some designs.  
They are only expensive relative to other kits. The parts are very similar to those used in a $20k Sony speaker system. Compared to that, this kit is a bargain! :) 


Back in February 2017 I purchased the scan-speak b741 kit from Madisound. I substituted the single 4 ohm midrange for a pair of 8 ohm of same model. I inserted these into my Dunlavy sc-iv cabinets. I also removed the foam rubber and wiring and replaced with Supra 13 awg speaker wire and wool damping. The woofers and midrange needed spacer plates which I fabricated from round 1/16" steel plates. The tweeter just needed a new notch in the cabinet. I also changed out the Clarity Cap ESA 6.8 uF and 22 uF caps for Clarity Cap CMR's in the tweeter crossover. Since the crossovers are much larger than what they replaced I decided to mount them externally. I have a pair of F113's subs for the lower frequencies. The detail is just incredible. Listening volumes have gone way down. My listening choices have moved more into classical and jazz because of the improvement in hearing everything. My advice to royboy 11532 is if you have the skill level the Scan-speak b741 kit is a pretty good set-up.