Info, please, on power cord burn-in

How do I short the female end of my power cord when I'm conducting a burn-in ? I've heard of running a wire from one slot to the next, but what kind of wire, and must it run continuously from one slot to the others ? Specifics, please. Thanks very much.
hdm is right ,go get the grey plug that converts 3 prong to 2 prong,at walmart i think it still cost .59 cent,file the 2 prongs down till they fit into your iec,hook it up to frig ,or faster results get a 1500 watt space heater,run it a week ,and enjoy.dont worry about ground wire being burned in,it will burn in on your system,,i could be wrong ,but i never read a post here about ground wire burn in.. or do like timrhu says takes longer but it is burning in to the job it does,,
To Albertporter: Yes, the typical power cord with IEC (female)end that audiophiles buy to improve/change the sound of their system. This particular brand is called The Absolute Power Cord.
Opus88, I did not require the brand name. I just wanted to suggest the same as offered by others here in the form of an adaptor once we knew what type cord you were trying to connect.

Mine was the first response and with no idea what your experience level might be, my concern was you NOT short out the cord by connecting internal pins, thinking you were providing a load.

It looks as though poster number two had the same concern but was more emphatic about warning you.

For what it's worth, I understand the Fry is a very effective device. Unfortunately, I have not had an opportunity to try it. I do what Sugarbrie and Timhru suggest, plug in the new power cables and experience the break in changes so I can learn from the experience.

However, I've read reports that old interconnects and power cords, assumed to be fully broken in, still benefit from the Fry break in device. It and Darma cooker have the reputation as the best two ways to go.
A photo gave me the answer I was looking for. Thanks very kindly to you all, especially the always helpful and interesting Albertporter.