Integrated amp & player for B&W 804, pls

Hi, All.

I bought B&W Nautilus 804. Now I am in the process of choosing the right gear to drive them. I listened them with Denon 5803, Marantz, Rotel 1065 ... and I did not like what I heard. So, I decided to go with Integrated amplifier. Doing some search I found it seems people like them with Mcintosh 6500, Classe CAP-151. What do you think about these Int amp, or could you recommend something else? And with CD player I am kinda lost. I read NAD got the good scores at What Hi-Fi? magazine but I am not sure. Besides I'd prefer to have 5-CDs changer.

Thanks in advance,
Thanks for your replies!

My room is 12x20 with large opening to the dinining room.

I've just listened N804 with Mcintosh MA6500 integrated amplifier. I liked the sound. The female voice is very natural, plenty of bass. Much better comparing to DENON 5803.

I do not think I care about SACD for now, just good 5-CDs changer.

Could you also advise me how can I extend my 2ch integated amp into home theater.
These babies require lots of current. If you can, try listen
to something like the Plinius 8200 as well as the Classe.
Avoid the common Krell/B&W combination - it's like an
icepick in the ear.

I'd like to add that good sound is my priority. I listen mostly classical music and some rock.

Along with the Plinius 8200 you should try the Jeff Rowland Concentra II. It has 150 watts per channel and does a very very good job with mine, also using Cary CD301 for cd's. I listen to mostly rock and pop music. Best, Charlie
I second all of the opinions about the Plinius 8200. I use an older 8150 with B&W 803s and love the combination. I suggest that you audition several CD players. With good speakers and int. amp, a lesser CD player will always be your weak link. I use a Linn Ikemi in my system and love it. I see that one has just been listed for sale at $2K.

Happy listening,