Integrated amp recommendation around 3k (I need more power!)

Hi everyone,

Yep, another of those "which amp would you recommend" questions.  My system is settling in very nicely recently.  I've bounced around with speakers quite a bit, but I keep returning to little Harbeth P3esr.  They fit my room well and sound beautiful. However, they have a sensitivity of only 83db.  Right now, my system is comprised of the following:  VPI Traveler Turntable w/Clearaudio Maestro V2 cartridge, Croft RIAA phono stage, and the LFD LE V integrated.  As nice as the LFD is sonically, it just falls a bit short on power 65wpc into 8ohms) with the little Harbeths.

So, I'm looking to move to a more powerful integrated amp.  I'm certainly not a headbanger (or I'd have different speakers), but I would like to have ample headroom and current to maximize the P3s.  I'm looking at a budget of around $3k, used or new.  As I have an all analog 2-channel rig, I don't need a DAC, subwoofer outs, tone controls, balance, etc.  Heck, don't even care about a remote.  Just good, clean, dynamic power. 

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated - thanks!

Best, Scott
Coda fits the bill.... Unison 3.3 or a newer CSI or even Newer CSIB... All are very similar,  If you can find a Unison,  it will be more like $1100,  the CSI/CSIB will tap your budget,  but in all cases, your looking at 300 into 8 ohms and 600 into 4.... These are all nice sounding units. 
Good Luck,
+1 sbank
I use mine with a 70 watt amp and it is plenty. When you double the power it will give you only 3 db more. The Harbeth is not a headbanger type of speaker. But of course more power will do no harm.
Happy hunting!
@sbank - I understand your point.  I don't expect to drive them to head banging levels or to reproduce kick drums.  However, it does seem that the amp runs out of steam before I'm even able to generate peaks of 80db at the listening position. 

@yogiboy - you are running w/tubes, right?  
However, it does seem that the amp runs out of steam before I’m even able to generate peaks of 80db at the listening position.
Hi Scott,

My suspicion is that what is mainly running out of steam is the speaker, not the amp. The speakers have specified power handling of "50 watts program." Which presumably refers to the maximum amount of power they are rated to handle on the peaks of what the designers consider to be typical musical material. And their continuous power handling capability, were it specified, would be considerably less than that.

Putting more power into a speaker than it can comfortably handle will result in some combination of increased distortion and thermal compression, which among other things would result in a perception of reduced dynamics.

Also, regarding the CJ integrated amp that was suggested, I would have some concern about the suitability of its 10K input impedance with the output impedance of your phono stage. I found an indication that the nominal output impedance of the phono stage may be 500 ohms. However since it is tube-based, and most likely uses a coupling capacitor at its output, its output impedance at deep bass frequencies could very conceivably rise to a few K, which would result in significant deep bass rolloff in conjunction with a 10K load. On the other hand, though, that might not be perceivable with these particular speakers, given their limited deep bass extension. But why risk compounding that limitation?

Best regards,
-- Al