Integrated amp to drive ProAc 1sc

I am looking for suggestions on Tube or ss integrated amps to drive my 1sc's. Any one with hands on experience please advise me. I am starting from scratch and will be purchasing a turntable and probably a DVD/CD player (for use with video as well as audio) I have purchased the 1sc's and have had a pair in the past. I know there limitations in the spl and bass response and am also considering a powered Sub. I listen to a wide range of music, but tend to stay away from most pop and country. Jazz (elecric and acoustic) Prog rock, folk, adult contemporary (not elevator) and some classical (not often). I don't want to break the bank. I am interested in the VAC Avatar for its ultra liniar/triod switching ability. I am not too sure about low powered SET amps for the reason only that I am conserned about there ability to push these speakers to reasonable volumes.

Thanks in advance!
The more we all post our ProAc experiences, the more it seems they have a Jekyll and Hyde personality, heheh. Greatly affected by the electronics upstream and their environment.

I can understand you and your wife finding the Tab 50 Sigs sounding thin. I noticed this tendency as well, and chalked it up to the small enclosure. I believe the 1SC uses the same drivers, but in a larger cabinet which may allow the woofer to achieve a fuller sound. I'd guess the crossovers could be different as well.

I'd always wanted a pair of 2.5s, but never thought I'd pull the trigger because of their size. I was lucky A'Gon member Alcides had a beautiful pair in yew wood up for sale. We both live in LA so I was able to see them before I bought them, and I have to admit I had the same reaction to their appearance you just described. As a matter of fact, I still do when I see them. I love their simple elegance, and I think their sound matches their appearance.

This summer I considered getting the VAC Avatar Super as well. It's beautiful looking and from what I've read very nice sounding and quite powerful for only 80 watts. However, for once common sense won out and I decided to put a halt to my run away spending. Now, maybe you can tell me what I missed out on, heheh.

Hi Gang. I really enjoyed Gumbei's "sibling anology" regarding the proac family of sound,rather appropriate here really. I am a big fan of stewart Tylers response series of proacs. When the original tablette was first introduced... it's only real competition at that time was the original 15 ohm version of the LS-3/5a bbc monitor which was sold by rogers or chartwell. I preferred the Roger to the proac at that time and still use the rogers in my kitchen to this very day,and driven by tube amplification of course. When the proac response 2 was first introduced, I was literally mesmerized by it's timbral fidelity and their uncanny ability to disappear in a room. Furthermore: I was stunned by their ability to resolve the midbass with such detail and drive. Of course,I was instantly in love and bought a pair for my small to medium room [16ft x 21 ft x 8ft ceiling] at home. At the time, I was driving them with the ARC d-79b and the ARC sp-10 mk2 preamp. We enjoyed them for a good 3 years. I would sometimes audition different amplifiers, both solid state and vacuum tubed. Even though I was using a tubed preamp... I never did soulfully connect with any of the ss amps and always thought the lower powered amps of each manufacturers sounded more musical. re: threshold,Levinson,krell, bryston and Bedini. The only ss amp that made beautiful music; whereby I could really get lost with the response 2, was the little 25 watt pure classe A Bedini. There are a whole slew of tube amps that really synergize well with the proac without needing to take out a second mortgage. The Conrad Johnson mv-52 is a real little honey of an amp with the response 2 as well as my friends [tricked up]little el-34 based asl 1003 integrated.... makes magic in a big way, immensely enjoyable for very little money.He uses it with the newer [back ported] response 2's. From the response 2, I upgraded to the reponse 3 floorstander and thoroughly enjoyed them for more than a decade....always driven with vacuum tubes of course. In actual fact.... they were a little too large and would overpower the room if one got carried away with the volume control. However...They would still disappear,image, and could flat out rock and roll if the mood called for it. I eventually sold them, as I had the opportunity to acquire the massive response 4 for the right money.However, I still miss the response 3 to this very day. Obviously, the response 4 was much too large for my room at home.... I moved them out to my studio room. A rather large but dedicated room [32ft x 27 ft x 12 1/2 ft ceiling] but the 4's still retained that beautiful proac magic that they all seem to possess when driven with quality vacuum tube amplifiers. Go hear the proacs with decent tube amplification and there is just no going back! Personally speaking.... In a typical medium sized living room or den in the average home, I honestly believe the 2.5 is the most versatile speaker in their entire line up. One that will always make for an enjoyable listening experience. Enjoy!
Amen, Ecclectique and Gunbei. I feel terrible as I almost worked out a deal to sell my 2.5s but I just can't - almost like ending a friendship for no reason. Maybe some day I'll upgrade to Merlin's floorstander but until then...
Hey Tomryan. I'll toast to that, Yeah..... without question, the Merlin is something special, but so is the 2.5.... as well as your lovely wife. cheers!

I'm currently running 1sc with the Audio Note M6 preamp and Audio Note Quest Silver 300B monoblock. Don't be put off by the 9 watts output. There is no problem with dynamic whatsoever. The sound is really magical and gorgeous. I've not heard Soro driving 1sc though, but I would think it should produce good result. I think you must audition them before making the purchase.