Integrated Amp with Totem Forests and Arcam 23

I've done some looking for integrated amps to go with my Totem Forests and Arcam 23 source. So far the Krell 400xi, Plinius 9200, Musical Fidelity A5, and Pathos Logos have come up as possible choices. Does anyone have comments about the best match for my system? Other possible integrated amps that I haven't considered?
I used a pair of Totem Mani2 with Gryphon AT integrated amp, great prices now in the used market, and an amp that you can live with for many years to come.

Sugden Masterclass drives my 805s very well.
After comparing many integrated, that's the one for me.
I think it's a big mistake to not try the Sugden stuff.
Accuphase E530 is my second choice.
The Krell seemed hard and I would have to cover that brite red display with duct tape!
The Mcintosh didn't give me the details I like.
I would check out the CODA Continuum Unison 3.1. It seems to be very versatile (adjustable gain allows for either a solid-state sound, or a smoother, more tubey sound) and it goes up to 35wpc into Class A. They don't come up used often, but they go for around $1300 used when they are available. I have been really happy with mine-huge upgrade over my 3.5K C-J seperates.