Integrated Amplifier for FOCAL 807VW speakers

Hi to everyone
Which Integrated Amplifier would sound good with the Focal 807VW Speakers. Also, does Parasound Amplifiers have good
synergy with the Focal speakers.
Thanks and Happy New Year
Good choice again. I have read good reviews on the "W"s and they seem to be a major step up from the "V"s. Coupled with the Simaudio amp, sounds like your on the way to a great system.

WRT speaker cables, you are bound to get a wide variety of opinions, all equally valid and good. I use Audioquest Rocket 33's in my system. After trying many different types, I am very happy with these and have no intention of changing.
Since I could not decide what Integrated to buy I packed
the Focals and went to the store. I've tried new NEO 250I
(No Good). The sound was dry, so clinical. I spent almost
2 hours. All Integrated under $5000.00 did not sound right
except for the Tube Integrated Amplifiers (I really don't want
to mess with the tubes). I almost gave up until Salesman
asked me to try NAD C356. I even did not want to bother with
the NAD. He changed the original jumpers with the silver ones
and than SHOCK. I could not believe. Full sound, details,
extended highs. I paid for the NAD and went home. The Salesman included silver jumpers in the price. THANK YOU ALL
Congrats Torevado. The NAD BEE amps are very good sounding SS amplifiers. Glad you found an amp that's right for you. Enjoy the music!
Reviving an old thread. I got a pair of 807W's a few weeks ago. Last night, I plugged a Nad 2400THX integrated (seems to be conservatively rated at 100wpc) into them and I couldn't turn the volume up much past 1.5 notches (around 7:30 on the clock) before making the volume too loud to listen to! These speakers are EXTREMELY efficient. One of those low wattage tube amps would really make them sing, IMHO. When I use this same amp with my Kef LS50's, the volume know needs to go much higher to achieve the same volume levels. The 807W's are a nice speaker. Enjoy.