Integrateds - Revisited Yet Again

Speakers: NHT 2.5i's
Source: Rotel 971 transport, MSB Nelson Link III

Keeping both peices.

What do you guys think about using the Moon I-5 integrated? Good match?

The other day I tried out the Roksan Caspian... Found the bass a bit too heavy (admittedly, it was likely the room). The treble was a bit rolled off , although it was good (forgiving of less than perfect recordings). The midrange was recessed....too recessed compared to the remainder of the frequency range. This is also characteristic of the speakers and so, exacerbated the problem. Further, the sound was a little dry and lacked transparency.

I'm not saying that the Caspian is not a quality peice. It is just not a great match with my existing equipment (Which i don't want to sell right now).

Will the Moon I-5 address these issues? Is it a far more capable integrated? (it SHOULD be, considering it's 1000 bucks more).

By the way, i live in Canada, so the Moon equipment is a (relatively) good bargain.

Any comments regarding this integrated would be highly valued.


i listened to the sim and others a few years ago and purchased the mcintosh ma-6500 integrated amp to go with my nht 2.9's. The nht's need a lot of power and they need a smoother sounding amp to tame the forwardness of the nht line. The mcintosh did not have enough power for the 2.9's (and the ma-6900 was not out yet). I even tried bi-amping the 2.9's with nht's sa-3 subwoofer amp, better, but something was missing. I then purchased a classe preamp and cd player with a pair of odyssey monoblock amps and things got much better. Classe equipment have a nice warm (tube-like) sound to them. Same with the Mcintosh. For integrated amps, i would listen to the Classe 151 and the Mcintosh ma-6500 or the ma-6900. I had all nht for quite a while (audio and home theater use, 2.9's, 1.5's, super zeros, super ones, super center 2, 2-sub two's) and have sold all of them (except the 2 sub two's) and purchased smoother sounding speakers. I think you would open up your options on front end equipment if you would change out your speakers. If you keep your nht's, IMO, you will need to stick to a warmer sounding amp and an amp with a lot of power, a hard combination for an integrated.
being that you are about the bryston b60. beautiful clean window of sound and a 20 year warranty. just a thought
I thought I5 brighter that Musical Fidelity A3.2 int. with latest AP Virgo II (or III?). The older M-F A300 ($1,000 used) sure doesn't sound bright to me but would in comparison to EC stuff I guess. A-300 would be a good choice for budget int. Concentra II is nice but should be for $6,500.
Forgot to mention, following my lengthy e-mail...YES the Unico would be a nice amp for you. Go for the hybrid if you can. There IS a dealer in Montreal I beleive, very nice man as I almost purchased this unit back in December. Forgot the dealers name, but will post it if it comes back to me...about Classé. Here is what I think of it, as I am a previous owner of a cap 151. Very powerfull, solidly built, but definitely not as refined as the class-leading integrateds out there. Comparisons with Bryston come to mind. Both have a ''full'' sound, but midrange is somewhat grainy and high frequencies can sound harsh. You must use audio cables that are softer sounding and round-out these unit's sound or else you will be kept on the edge....One issue with Classé service-wise...( try this for yourself) I once phoned the company, wanting to speak to a technician about a slight hum I was hearing. I was told that...''since Classé is soooo busy answering the needs of their clients WORLDWIDE I could expect a technician to return my call in ...a couple of weeks!!!'' Try the same with Cary ( in my humble opinion, they should be no less ''busy'' than Classé) and you can usually talk to someone like Kirk on first try, or at least the same day.

Don't mean to be knocking on fellow-canadian companies, but I've just had enough of companies that sell gear that cost an arm and a leg, without the accompanying respectfull service. At least if the gear was stellar-sounding, but it's not.

that felt good!!!!