INTERCONNECT-advice from knowers!

I am looking for reccomendations on diffrent interconnects to try in my system. My system consists of Dunlavy 4s, BAT VK150se amps, and Wadia 860. I have been using Harmonic Tech Pro Silway 2 balanced, it seems a little lean in the mids, and soft in the bass, but the images are so sharply defined, with a wide, wide soundstage that I keep coming back to it. I also for coparison have TARA Master Gen 2 which improves on the HTs weaknesses, but it seems to blur images together, and has a darkish treble that I don't prefer. Audioquest Lapis is also onhand for comparison. It seems to land somwhere in between the HT and TARA cables. I consider it the most functional of the 3 mentioned, but I would like to find a cable that keeps the strenghts of the HT and improves on it's weaknesses. I am getting a set of the Coincident interconnect for comparison. I would like to get recommendations from you guys who have worked their way up the ladder. My budget is 2k or less. Thanks, -Ryan
I never said magazines were the be all and end all. Just that they are mandatory. Where else would I find out ALL the brands? Most people only speak of a few different brands(including us on this site). Take for example wire. Does anyone here ever talk much about Silver Audio, StraightWire, Tara, or XLO? Not that I am saying those products are good or bad. But, if you are not familiar with many brands, you are severely handicapping your potential for the best system you can have. Magazines are a necessary piece of the pie, to me. I, for one, am at a disadvantage just because of the Audio October issue no longer being available. Yo G13!
Kimber Select 1130 does it all. Very expensive but it does it all. I replaced my Pro Silway MkII with the Kimber and I was stunned by what I was not hearing with the HT's. If your budget will allow it you will not be sorry
I agree with Trelja and Carl that magazines are useful and i actually read a lot of the e-zine reviews. I also feel that guys like Carl present a lot of condensed information that i need to tap into while others like Ejlif have a similarity of situation that i really should pay attention to.. I spend a lot of time on the road and i need to narrow my audition choices some when faced with such an overwhelming selection of cables (there are days Devo's "Freedom of Choice" plays loudly in my brain!). Trela, you're right on when you say trust your ears. I've been a working musician on and off for the last 20 years and listening to the real deal is the ultimate reality check on where the home system is headed. My ignorance with the Audioquest was the indirect result of a dealer (who is usually pretty honest) who said Audioquest wasn't any good...I believed him and as a result ignored a whole line that maybe i shouldn't have. I recently completely rebuilt my system and while finding the right speakers and amplification was achieved by careful audition I must admit i fell for the HT hype for cable selection (i believe the HT cables are stereophile recommended). After months of moving speakers, altering the room to re-establish a system base line, It's time to look at changing things a bit. The fact that some one as picky as Carl ( a compliment) likes the pro-9 suggests that maybe an interconnect swap is the initial place to focus. Forums such as this are a huge help and the fact that they are interactive gives them an edge on static reviews IMO..though reviews have their place.
I am very glad that any comments which I have made on here, have had a positive effect. I have said before, and I'll say again, that reviews of cabling seem the least credible and the least translatable, to the reader, who then might use that review as the basis for the planning of which cables to audition. Not everyone feels the same way (about anything, duh!), and certainly cables sound different (to varying degrees) in whatever system context they are in. AND I MUST REITERATE SOMETHING I'VE SAID BEFORE: To anyone who has not done so, PLEASE TREAT YOUR ROOM ACOUSTICALLY. You'll be very glad to hear the differences between the cabling you try. They'll be cast in much stronger relief, than without room treatment. The imaging becomes more real, the sound less fatigueing over long periods.
worldcup 86- I got mine used, for 1/2 of retail. They are in my system. Aspects of them are the best I have heard. There is a depth of sound to these that is just amazing. The bass is really strong too. The treble region is a bit to laid back for my taste though. The cables are basically brand new and not broken in. I understand that they take about 200 hours to realize, so maybe they will liven up a bit in the treble. If the treble was right I think I would be happy with these, I guess I'll know in a couple of weeks.