Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?

IMHO after a certain point the effect of the next best cable on the market may give you a 0.1% improvement in apparent sound, which may be a change in the sound perceived, or an actual improvement. There is only so much that can be done that will withstand the cost/benefit equation.

Not all new wiz bang components or cable will give the improvement for the cost. I can only opine that enthusiasts may change for changes sake, components and circuitry become obsolete or die, or there is the look at me value.

Once a level of equipment has been reached, it falls back to what you can do with the room up to a certain point where you are happy.

I have a nice system that has served me well in between my work and family. I am in a fortunate position that, not only we are building our new (and hopefully last) home with a dedicated music room that I have had designed (within a budget) but will enable me to tune it.

This has also triggered a complete new system (sanctioned by my most important person) and I have quietly been accumulating valuable knowledge on this and other forums. I have all the experience of others to use, and that makes my decisions easier in that I have a solid benchmark available.

So a big thank you to all forum contributors who have spent time to write of their experiences and at times jousting of opinion. It's a very healthy community.

Why do all these types of posts end up turning into huge ideological debates?
Why just more solid perceived examples of the OP original premise?

Here are my experiences.

For years I was a huge non believer in spending money on cabling, used to use any old stuff I had lying around and 0.50cent a foot stuff if had to buy new.

Then as I started buying better equipment, I started to think well what if? Surely all these people cannot be wrong or deluded.

And so THAT merry go round started!
Wish I was deaf at times as I CAN hear differences. Not all are good though.
A lot still to do with system synergy and it pays to research and trial in your own system and your own ears, this is all that matters to you in the end.

I fully realise towards the end I was trying to use cables as tone controls to achieve the sound I desired in my room. And it worked.

Along came the Lyngdorf2170 and I decided to step off the cable merry go round...

I am sure I will get the itch to go even further upmarket on cables just to see " what if" again.

In my system, to my ears, cable changes made audible changes both good and bad.

Sometimes it is good to just ignore it all.
Sure I could spend thousands on some better powercords than the Pangea I have now.
But I ask my self:
Do I need the better powercords and better sound?
What if I don’t like the sound after spending $1500 a pop on some wire? I did like the improvement after spending $$$ on interconnects.. Why do I balk at big ticket powercords??? I would call this problem my Rubicon... And I ain’t crossing the line.

On an earlier note.

I used to drive nothing but big v8 cars, Mustang, Camaro, Challenger etc.
Then I discovered the ST. Had a downpipe, full exhaust and open filter and rolling road dyno tune, 277hp. Fun every mile!
Then I was ruined.....
Took it to local Ford dealer for 10k service and there it was...
Focus RS in Mad Max Matte black staring me in the eye, saying go on I dare you!
It went home with me that day, yes I am impulsive.....
2.3 liter, 335hp, awd, I have died and gone to heaven!
I love my Ford Focus ST. I have thought about the RS.. but I am just a little too cheap to fork over the dough for a RS. (Plus I love my mpgs, over 32mpg average, if I stay off the boost)
I spent $30K for the ST ($33list) and the price of the RS (over 44K) is more than I want (really, can afford) to spend. (If I had the money.. if only!)