Interconnects for Nordost Valkyrja speaker cables

I just bought these & am looking for an interconnect that won't break the bank. I don't mind paying for the 1m ic's but I need to get a 6m set of ic's from pre-amp to amp. Love to use Valhallas or Valkyrjas but that'll put me in the poorhouse. By the way, system consists of AR Ref II Mk II, Classe Omega stereo amp, SF Amatis & soon to be Esoteric DV-50S.
Any suggestions?
Judy426, which came first, the chicken or the egg?! I have heard that the Valhallas are merciless in revealing any flaws within a system. I would think twice about using them with SS gear, or a speaker that is know to have a "hot" top end.

I agree that marketing and promotions can result in product placement, but the degree to which the Valhallas swept the market upon introduction makes me think that they are more than just hype and are certainly not "snake oil". I am quite happy with their performance in my system, but as we both agree, this cable can be very system dependent. But I think that ANY cable can be system dependent, as well!

BTW, which cables have bested the Valhallas, in your system? SS or tube gear? Speakers?
On a pair of Vandersteen 5A and a pair of Atma Sphere MA-1, Stealth Hybrid MLT, Zu Ibis, and Audience Au24 all gave us better tonal balance than the Valhalla. It is an overpriced and overrated cable in both speaker wire and interconnect iterations.
I am not a Nordost fan either and use nothing BUT tube gear. Their cables just do not sound right and in my opinion, lack musicality. I would agree with Judy on this one 100%. Yes, I do own Au24 after trying numerous upon numerous cables.

If you like how Nordost sound, I would try the Rs audio silver interconnect. Cheap, and fairly good. To my ears, they better the red dawn at a fraction of price.
Well, I am too not a Nordost fan... till i have problem crank up the sound of my CD playback versus that of my analog playback system. It was unlistenable, somehow and somewhat. I have the Burmester PC and I decided to give it a try to change the IC between my 970DAC to the preamp. First I got Nordost quattrofil and to my great surprise the sound improved so tremendously. It allows my Burmester 969/970 combo to show their strengths in music playback. I was truly satisfied with the reproduction of sound. Due to greed, I couldn't stop but to get in a pair of Valhalla. What can I! the presentation again has been transcended. Both ICs from Nordost have given me two totally different enjoyment but they have one thing in common-- that is to reduce the noise floor of my digital playback further with significant effect. I can now enjoy the best from both my analog as well as digital playback system.