Interconnects for Nordost Valkyrja speaker cables

I just bought these & am looking for an interconnect that won't break the bank. I don't mind paying for the 1m ic's but I need to get a 6m set of ic's from pre-amp to amp. Love to use Valhallas or Valkyrjas but that'll put me in the poorhouse. By the way, system consists of AR Ref II Mk II, Classe Omega stereo amp, SF Amatis & soon to be Esoteric DV-50S.
Any suggestions?
Mapleleafs3, friends, Romans, and audiophiles, lend me your ears :-) Hey, enjoy your rig, whatever you paid for it! Many people are "gear-o-philes" rather than truly enjoying the music. I don't spend my money for "braggin' rights". I also use my ears, and take the advise of people who have had many years of audio experience, and who have heard more gear than you and I will ever be able to listen to in our life times. I see some rigs that other Agon members have, and although I would love to have some of the systems, I have neither the money, nor would I feel justified in spending such amounts, even if it was possible.

But I won't condemn someone who spends such large sums of money, nor would I call their gear over priced and over-hyped snake oil. The fact that you state that high priced cables NEVER outperform low priced cables, and that you'd put your system against mine any day (even though you have no idea what components I have) indicates a testosterone fueled bravado. Hope that you never race for "pink slips" in a similar manner, or you'll get a very costly education!
Fatparrot -- thanks for your comment to make this forum an even a more interesting place.

As for Nordost cable, I throw my money to this company wholeheartedly choice till you hear for yourself and feel in your heart with the music comes out from your system. Of course, anything in high end got to do with combination.