Interconnects: solid or hollow core wire?

Which makes for better interconnects, all else being equal, single core or hollow core wire? Thin or thick gauge? Experience first, theory second!
cogan hall, years ago manufactured hollow core interconnects. in the recent past, legenburg manufactured hollow core cables. both companies are no longer viable.

if by chance there exists a company which designs and manufacturers hollow core cable, listen to them and compare them to your favorite solid core cable. there are several types of solid core cable, including, rectangular solid core, cylindrical or circular solid core and ribbon cable.
i believe tara labs has a line of rectangular solid core interconnects. call them to see if they are still in production.

or you can google "solid core interconnect" and see if a name of a company is listed.
i did a google search and confirmed two sources of solid core cable:

1) tara labs

2) parts connexion--legenburg cable
Tempo Electric - Joe Levy. Single solid core pure silver. I use his IC from pre to amps, and SC.