Interested in Focal Scala Utopias

I'd like to know more about the characteristics of these speakers. Anyone familiar with them? I don't think there are any US dealers.
The Scala definitely has more mid bass. I just demo'ed both speakers head-to-head. Reading this thread and my in home experience, I spiked the Focals and played with the Sashas positioning at length. It took a solid 2 days to get the Sashas to kind of play nice in the room. I really want to buy the Wilsons and to give them a chance in that space but they just do not perform like the Focal Scalas did. I listen to a big variety of music and again, the Focals did a noticeably better job with handling the challenging media.
Pkancel, if the Scala had more mid bass than the Sasha, I would think it would be more difficult to position.

In my room, I have to EQ the Sashas @75hz down about 9db to get rid of the hump.

I had a quick audition of the Scala today at a dealer, but the setup was problematic (in a crowded room with the speakers on each side of a massive, three-column equipment rack). Midrange/treble was gorgeous, no edge at all (although it didn't seem overly extended in the high frequencies), but bass was all muddy boom (again, non-optimal setup)

Would love to hear more details of your head to head, i.e.
1) what size is your room
2) what electronics
3) what media you used/listen to
Pkancel- unless we think diferent about midbass decription(to me 55-75hz)there is no way that Scala have more midbass than Sasha.
as they are rear and down ported speakers it may possible to arrange spekaers placement far away from rear wall where Scala would get close to very atenuated Sasha midbass, but even in this condition Sasha still have stronger midbass.

Scala is very nice but polite sounding in midbass.
Just heard the Scalas at Digital Ear in SoCal, also heard the Revel Salon2 but was not impressed. I listened to the Scalas, on Burmester equipment with Transparent Reference cables, for about an hour and appreciated the relaxed and nonfatiguing presentation.

I was amazed at how similar the Scalas were to my Wilson Watt/Puppy 8s (probably due to the Focal sourced drivers). Maybe a little smoother. Relaxed and organic kept coming to mind. Beautiful styling-my wife hates the Wilsons calling them R2D2.

Wondering if these would be a lateral move? I haven't heard the Maestro's yet, but maybe a lttle to rich and large for my 20'x14.5'x8' room.

Any other opinions on this new line of speakers from Focal would be appreciated. thanks.