Inverted phase preamps?

What is the best way to adjust for this in your system? Could you give a detailed view of what you reccomend, for example: reverse speaker wires at the amp?,etc. I have heard different ideas from some reputable people. I know that it comes down to what sounds the best, but I would be very interested in hearing your experience with this. Thanks.
Most manufacturors recommend to reverse the speaker cables and the speaker end. I do this with my cj prem 350 which inverts phase.

"Most manufacturers recommend..." Downunder? How do you know this is the recommendation of most manufacturers?

The manufacturer of my preamp...First Sound...does not specifically recommend reversing the leads at the speakers or at the amp. First Sound says the leads can be reversed at either end. User's choice.
Since 50% of all recordings are phase-inverted, and from one to the next you can't tell except by playing, I would say it does not really matter!!!!!
And since most refried/rechannelled/run through a gazillion master consols etc and have NO descernable phase anyway, why bother?
So for the few recordings that have the right phase, carefully handled from mic to recording, (which are "audiophile" and usually sound great, but usually have no real musical content) you can worry. Otherwise it is a crapshoot.
So, to be blunt: CAN YOU HEAR IT?? ANYWAY??
(I can tell sometimes and it does sound better to reverse the phase, but usually I cannot hear any difference)
(The difference I do hear plainly is as if the sound is originating "behind" the speakers in reverse phase, and in front or between with better bass control in correct phase.
So, burn me if I am wrong.... Flames anyone???
(Ahhh.. have you noticed I am in a 'difficult' mood?)
I have a Joule Electra LA150 and Jud (the designer) told me switch leads at either speaker or amp end of speaker wires, doesn't matter. I've done both and cannot hear a difference, however, a couple times I forgot to reverse at all and man, oh, man can you hear the difference!
Elizabeth, you make a valid point. Even though I swap my speaker leads because my preamp inverts absolute phase, I have never discerned a difference.

By the way, what's different about your prickly mood today than any other day? :)

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