iPod Confessional

I've had an iPod (40 GB version) for four days now, and I must confess that it has been a huge kick. Despite my audiophile reservations (how could anything this small hold hundreds of my CDs and still sound good??), I've fallen in love with this thing.

Part of my rationale (and spousal justification process) was that my wife has wanted for a long time to have all-day Christmas music during the holidays. I used to provide this with 10.5" reel to reel tapes, but that's long gone. I'd thought about a mega-changer, but could never get enthusiastic about a big black box in my very inconspicuous living room system (Linn Classik and B&W 303s). But the iPod with the docking station and line out serves this purpose perfectly. The other night, I just selected "Vocal" as a genre, and enjoyed a great selection of music all throughout a long dinner. And needless to say, my commute just got a whole lot more enjoyable (especially with Eyptomic ER-6s to shut out the noise.)

As much as I like the satisfaction of holding a CD in my hand, and popping it in the player, I really think the iPod and other such players will eventually increase demand for server-type audio systems in the home. (I know, Linn makes one, but I'm thinking of something mortals can afford.)

I'm sure the MP3 files (even at the 320 kbps bite rate I'm using) are no match for the original for critical listening, I just don't find nearly as much time for critical listening as I would like. Now I'm getting to spend more time enjoying my music collection, and that's what it's all about, right?
I could not agree more. I have been using the unit for about a year and find the IPOD's sound quality to be very pleasing. I swapped out the provided headphones and alternate between a pair of KOSS clip-ons and Sennheiser fold-ups. My only gripe is with the battery life ... as you store more songs, battery life decreases markedly. Best portable device.

I disagree with your statement of battery life, I have a 10 and 20 gig and keep both filled to capacity with no decrease in battery life. Do you have the most recent software? There was a new power management software upgrade that helped with long down times that may help you, or if your unit is older, you can replace the battery (see iPodlounge.com for more info).

I don't use mine in my stereo too much, but couldn't do long trips without them! I use the Sony noise cancelling earbuds and love them on planes! I only wish they would add the extra games the new versions have to the older ones that I'm using, breakout gets boring real quick......
Now that you have all your CDs mp3'd, and like the concept of playing Genres or playlists, get yourself an Audiotron by Turtle Beach, hook it up to a decent DAC, and wire it to your home stereo. Its like an iPod for your stereo, but better quality. Not what you want for critical listening, but its awful good for background music...
Leftistelf - I use the noise isolation 'phones riding the Metro here in DC, not driving...makes for a sweet ride!
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