Ipod Dock with direct out?????

I LOVE my integrated amps and need a dock for my I POD. FATMAN makes some decent docks, but they all are integrated amps without the direct out option. Any decent choices out there? I know Wadia is coming out with one. Where would I buy it if thats the choice? Thanks!
Geez guys...a little hostile, don't you think? Seriously, buy the Wadia. I don't care. I'm not a dealer. I have just looked at the specs and I have heard the MSB, which actually performs a little bit better than my Lector transport(which is an amazing transport-look at the reviews). If you guys don't think jitter matters, then...cool. I don't care. If you think sending an extreme amount of jitter to your dac is a good idea, then...cool. Go to this link and take a look at the digital output from your ipod. This isn't the kind of jitter that a DAC is use to getting. http://www.sound4sale.com/iDock.php Believe me guys I much rather buy the Wadia. It costs a lot less but until I see where they solve this problem I'm saving up for the MSB.

T-Bone, yes the price is for real, but I have heard it and they do an amazing job. The Ipod's digital signal has significant jitter in it. They reclock it down to almost zero. You pay a premium for this but you get a piece that will turn your Ipod into a real high end transport. When you consider that the Lector transport sells for $5,300 and is one of the best on the market the MSB is actually a good deal.
Nrostov, in what way was my response hostile?

Also, where did I say jitter doesn't matter? As I have already stated, if one uses a DAC that reclocks the signal, jitter is being dealt with just as the MSB.

Keep in mind that the Wadia bypasses the DAC of the iPod, without modifications.

So, there is not a problem as you allude.

A. "These statements have no merit" Not the nicest way to start a discussion. At least not in my world but hey whatever.

B. a. A lot of DAC's don't have the greatest clock re-generators in them. The Lector happens to be one(but not only) of the exceptions. b. The amount of re clocking that needs to be done for the Ipod signal is beyond what most clock re generators are designed for. If you examine the Ipod signal it's very messy compared to a regular CD.
c. The ISB actually uses a proprietary technology instead of a clock re generator. It is an actual digital signal processor that not only re-clocks the signal but also cleans it up producing a bit for bit copy of the original CD.

d. The Wadia has no re-clocker or DSP. It's a straight digital output. Also MSB modifies the Ipod so that the digital signal is sent from the internal DAC to the ISB. Wadia uses software to create their digital signal.

Like I said if you think that's sufficient that's cool. I don't care. It's not good enough for me so I am going the get the MSB.

Happy Listening Folks
Nrostov, Playing devil's advocate... could you not accomplish the same thing for less money (assuming that jitter elimination is done as adroitly) as the MSB by getting the Wadia and something like an Empirical Audio PaceCar (which would then also be available for use for other digital sources)?